brienne of snark

You also need to add that when the shooter is a white, male that he always without fail have “mental health” issues. And the NRA followers will argue that the issue is there and not with the fact that he had easy access to a semi-automatic weapon.

Fucking America and its guns. This shit has to stop.

How quickly people have forgotten Full House.

She had to have chosen the clone option. From a story standpoint, why introduce it otherwise. Plus, once Beth has accepted she is her father, how could she be happy with the life she has (answer, she wasn’t happy to begin with). Plus imagine what it will be like when a totally Rickified Beth comes back to retake her

Some interesting observations and revelations this episode:

Certified fresh. Good job.

clone option for beth: yes

They pick who they pick, and, um, it’s the way it’s always been.

Absolutely love the music in this episode. They’re obviously great music writers (South Park movie and various episodes, Book of Mormon, Team America, etc.), so I hope they do stuff like this more often. The way the final song ties all the running themes together is brilliant.

Was that before or after The Rape of Don King?

Do you really think that men face as much harassment as women online? Honestly?

I know people like to pick on Anderson’s aesthetic as twee and inauthentic, but I can’t think of another director who can make every single scene so beautifully framed and populated. Seriously, every shot of this trailer is an accomplished composition.

The worst Wes Anderson movie (The Darjeeling Limited) is better than 99% of all other movies.

It’s cool that all of the Japanese characters are played by actual Japanese people.

fat ppl make for powerful singers due to their massive diaphragms. un can probably belt like etta james

It is Garrison as “the President”. That is why they never mention the name Trump and it would explain why one of the tweets says something along the lines of “I know Tweek personally”.

‘I hope ALL children of America will stand with Tweek in saying, “GO AHEAD AND BOMB US, KIM JONG DONG, WE FUCKING DARE YOU!”’

  1. Bill Clinton’s mean job approval rating, 1st quarter 1993 through 1st quarter, 1999 was 53.8

That was my favorite part. Home renovation shows always have that one host who looks like they’re being forced at gunpoint to do the show.

I’m not going to try to defend the episode’s sloppy storytelling and nothing ending, but I will argue that its message was a bit more nuanced than you portrayed it in your review.