brienne of snark

“Do four puffs of the Farrah Fawcett spray.”

“Hey, dickheads... how come the only one helping me out is this random girl?”

Allison Janney

It’s sort of depressing that 2016 ended with us completely and thoroughly unable to take down a serial abuser as he ascended to the highest power in the world, so instead we settled for burning Hollywood. Which is fine! Burn all the assholes, wherever they fester! It’s just that I wish we could start nabbing a few

Much like in prehistoric times, he excretes a layer of slime in order to escape predators.

The speed to which people are washing their hands of Spacey really makes me suspect that there’s way more horrible stuff about Spacey that was an open secret.

Settle down Kevin.

Right? And I had no idea that people didn’t know he was gay.

So Netflix was going to end the show anyway but it trying to use Anthony Rapp’s pain to look progressive?

It also replicates the inverted perspective El has on Hopper’s boxes of memories. Both the cellar and the upside down are like the repressed, out of sight and (despite Hopper’s and Hawkins Lab’s efforts) out of control.

I didn’t particularly view Owens as threatening Nancy and Jonathan, as much as showing them the threat the gate posed and what had to be done to stop it. There’s threat inherent in that, certainly, but I didn’t view it as direct. That said, I could’ve just been drawn in by the Ol’ Reiser charm.

That upside turn of the camera was a great piece of work for sure.

“You act like you want me to be your friend and then you treat me like garbage.”

This is the most recent episode I’ve seen and the first time this season I’ve thought “shit I forgot how good this show is.”

The Toga Teen trilogy was awesome!

He said he’s living as a gay man, so I think the implication is that he’s had loving relationships with women in the past, but is not attracted to women currently. Many gay men have romantic relationships with women that can be very meaningful, so I assume Spacey didn’t want to negate those relationships by failing to

Can’t believe I’m about to defend Seth Macfarlane but here I go:

I’m really confused. What did you want Seth Macfarlane to do exactly? I’m assuming he knew about it from the rumors that we’ve all heard for years now. It’s a bit hypocritical to be criticizing him on a former Gawker Media site. Gawker ran blind items

Nothing worries me like Facebook telling me not to worry.

while fraught with the same pitfalls of, say, a feature film version of the Coneheads (not that anyone would do such a thing)

I’m up to episode 7 and I have to comment on the insanely good performances from the kids this season. They were great last season but this is ridiculous, ‘Dustin’ in particular has the comedic chops and sensibility of a man 3 times his age.