brienne of snark

The problem with supposed warnings like this is their vagueness. It is easy to apply this warning with meaning in hindsight, but it disregards all the other vague warnings embassies likely receive from kooks, that never bear out.

It really says something about a show that could just focus on the science teacher for an entire episode and it’d probably be great.

Now playing

Maybe it was those squirrels that run the world from RICK AND MORTY and she was worried about them being better leaders than Trump.

“Kellyanne! If you talk to us we’ll grant you wishes and give you candy! You’d like that much better than this wouldn’t you?”

I assume squirrels are constantly after Kellyanne.

Even though it was almost the first thing revealed about the new season, seeing the complete sequences of the kids dressed as Ghostbusters was absolutely delightful. Seeing them individually pose for their loving mother’s cameras (with Mike of course being the only one too cool/ embarrassed to pull a move), hearing

I know this will be a controversial opinion, but I think The Good Place is a good show. In addition, I enjoy watching it.

And the Dems and Liberals need to realize that now is not the time to argue over the exact direction for the party in the future, or who should lead the party in 2020. You don’t talk about renovating your kitchen while the house is on fire.

The Simpsons writers (classic seasons) mentioned it would take them 1 or 2 hours to come up with a sign gag, these look like they took 3 minutes and elicited an “eh, good enough” before moving on.

Good news! Such feeble efforts at distracting the American people have no chance of influencing a reasonably well-informed and thoughtful electorate! America still has one of those, right?

I know people complain about these kinds of articles, but this was an especially great segment from a consistently great show. I’ll even forgive that he had Megyn Kelly on, because 1. it was probably forced on him by NBC and 2. the rest of the show is so morally sound. Jokes Seth Can’t Tell is a particular favorite.

Mantzoukas has the perfect shape of head for someone’s first attempt at creating a human.

I think “artificial human created by an artificial human that only barely understands the concept of humanity” is the role Jason Mantzoukas was born to play. The problem with Rafi and Adrian Pimento is that they had to be human.

Of course there are some pieces of criticism that aren’t good.

But there’s a discernible difference between a think piece and the kind of cheap shot, cynical nit picking that CinemaSins is doing. And Ugh.’s flip comment is a gross generalization about “think piece culture” instead of a response to this particular

See, the thing is, Death of the Author is more a gateway to rigorous criticism than its opposite- if authorial intent is what matters than close readings of the text itself can be overriden by Word of God. This does even apply to questions of offensive material and the like, after all, D. W. Griffith swore up and down

Now now skeeter, he ain’t hurtin’ nobody....

I liked the storyline more when Cartman’s dislike for his girlfriend was completely irrational; it’s just funnier that way.

“He flew away, vowing we’d all be dead by Halloween!”

This episode reminds of the sentiment that Abbi and Ilana expressed while doing a promo for the AV club about surviving/thriving in a post Tr*mp world. That you can fight back by being kind, creative, supportive, and taking care of yourself and those around you. And now I’ll also add this episode’s themes: celebrating

“Dude if witches aren’t real, then who makes all the kombucha?”
“Double, double toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble, bitch!”
“I have 250 handmade Christmas cards the I was planning on sending my 250 camp friends.” “250 camp friends?”
“Powerful genital sneeze.”
“Knish, k’witch?”
“Hey new blood, welcome to the