brienne of snark

I fell down the Google rabbit hole of stories about Kevin Spacey that have existed for years but somehow, we were all ignoring? or willfully blind to? and... yeah it’s gross. the word “barely legal” is used a lot.

seeing Spacey and his ilk finally paying for their crimes, even decades later, even if they’re only charged in the court of public opinion, is the one bright spot in 2017's dismal current events for me. it’s better than nothing. just today 3 Dartmouth professors were put on leave for sexual misconduct pending a

insinuates that the upside down has invaded our reality by literally turning the viewer’s perspective upside down while being a perfect callback to the first shot of Joyce and Hopper entering the upside down in season 1! I can’t get enough of the direction on this show.

what EXTRA high school student made a dry ice cocktail bowl for that halloween party

that amazing camera rotation at the end of episode four! the duffer brothers still got it!

I’m glad they didn’t make us wait to see Eleven’s fate since she is easily my favorite character

yes, but I think we can all agree that what’s best for the country right now is that you turn out to vote in 2018 whether or not your favorite candidate wins the primary. if party infighting leads to decreased Democrat voter turnout, then the proverbial GOP kitchen fire will burn the house down before the 2020

we don’t take kindly to YOUR TYPES in here

money is a mind control technique that quantifies the progress of the patriarchy!

bring back The Nightly Show! Larry Wilmore deserved better!

well I watched Mindhunter in one 8 hour sitting and NOW I’m embarrassed.

I mean the security wasn’t traditional event security in that the goal was protecting people FROM Richard Spencer, and we can’t really let Richard Spencer be in charge of that.

He was not invited by any student organization or academic organization, the university tried to refuse to let him rent out the auditorium and he came back with a first amendment lawsuit (typical). The university also isn’t legally allowed to raise the prices for speakers based on the content of speech, so Spencer got


yeah this condemnation is as transparent as a fucking pane of glass

the pattern of behavior already exists. we all saw the access hollywood tape.

the sad part is he has probably assaulted/raped tons of women. now those women have to wake up every morning knowing their abuser is the most politically powerful man in America. this fucking country.

the irony of a platform where women are regularly doxxed/harrassed suspending a sexual assault survivor for posting a phone number while she’s trying to speak out is......


I live in florida and am familiar with its economic edges so pretty excited to see this one