brienne of snark

"not really bothered by Ed Sheeran cameo" is the perfect way to describe the Ed Sheeran cameo

lady olenna is low key the true star of the show

cmon now, we all know Jaime doesn't deserve Brienne. now Tormund, that's a man who knows what he wants.

he is not my Batman

anyone want to join my suicide pact if he wins the primary?

I'm sorry but saying an editor of the harvard law review and a former US Senator had "jack shit experience" makes me want to kill myself. please tell me you aren't registered to vote.

take off your pants and your panties, shit on the floor

sit down because this one might shock you; many Donald Trump supporters do not hold concrete positions but rather change their beliefs based on what is expedient.

keep it

Unfortunately, even the Klan is protected by privacy and free speech laws. Important to note that most of the cases that dictate these laws were decided in the 1960s when the court had a conservative majority and possibly Klan sympathizers. Check out Brandenburg v. Ohio for an example of Klan sympathy from SCOTUS if

Important to note here that the reporter, Andrew Kaczynski, did not write that possibility of revealing the identity of the individual into the story. That was added by CNN's editors in response to a suggestion by their legal team to basically cover their legal bases and protect themselves should this person become

in the apology he called his behavior "shitposting", as someone who does not frequent the forum I can't speak with authority on what his behavior should be classified as but as I understand the "shitpost" is the preferred method of communication of a troll?

in fact they do, basically the same laws that prevent news outlets from revealing the identity of rape victims could in theory protect internet trolls (though in this case this specific asshole would not be protected because of his status as a limited purpose public figure). obviously since trolling is a new

there are very different laws regarding the privacy of public figures versus private citizens and what the public has a right to know. in this case, they could legally reveal his identity as he would be classified as a limited purpose public figure (i.e. a person who takes part in a public controversy) but I suspect

the second one.

god I miss Obama.

passports by hudson mohawke

was trying to make a joke, guess I'll never make it as a comedian. wish I hadn't already quit my day job.

Yes, not every character has to be a metaphor for the entire society, but including even one slave would've forced the viewer to acknowledge that the women participate in and are complicit in an inherently evil social structure. Kind of allows the viewer to forget that these southern belles are wearing dresses sewn by

wait he doesn't have to give a fuck? oh god. oh. god. oh god oh god my life is meaningless oh my god. what kind of cruel god puts me in a world where Ron Howard doesn't care about my anonymous web presence?!????