Thanks - now my co-workers want to know WTH I’m laughing at so hard.
Yeah I’m pretty sure nobody wants to tell their egomaniacal boss that lives for manufactured hype - that this particular piece of manufactured hype isn’t a good idea - or even truthful hype. But knowing Musk he probably knew - but just didn’t care.
5. Dinosaurs eat man. Women inherit the Earth?
Gun turret and Mjolnir suit sold separately.
Nobody is using this to haul or you know - do actual work stuff lol - its just to get noticed. So no worries.
Which also makes me wonder - exactly why does a work truck need bulletproof glass? I wonder which cartel recommended this feature?
The Tesla pickup has impressive stats - but nobody is buying that triangle on wheels outside of Musks diehard EV cult unless they just want to get noticed. GM and Ford/Rivian will lead the pickup EV revolution.
I consider myself to very open minded when it comes to styling, but not THIS open minded. This is purely a status symbol and an ugly one at that. Conventional pick-ups have nothing to fear from this.
Build it with updated styling based on the C8 - I won’t completely forgive you GM - but that would be a good first step.
Same sentiment - I don’t hate it. But putting the Mustang name on it just seems... wrong.
Unless you’re Dennis Rodman.
Some idiot made a similar speech about foreigners not too long ago.
Interesting design choice - they could’ve left that part of the trunk color coded and it wouldn’t have taken away from its overall look - but I also wouldn’t consider it a deal breaker. At least its not blacked out C-pillars which is way more noticeable and dorky IMO.
Funny as that was how the Probe started out. It was originally meant to become the next Mustang - but thank God someone at Ford realized that was going to be a very bad idea - so it then became the Probe.
$4k for a decent quick sporty ride is all that matters - its definitely a NP.
Reading this made me think of that movie too, might watch that one again someday soon.
Sounds alot like the Koreans now. Watching their turnaround the last decade has been pretty awesome.