Matt Trakker

Trump said he was gonna be a dictator for just the first day - but he’s really pushing for the entire presidency (or longer if he had his way). Trump wants more power - period. Every executive order he’s done so far has been geared toward flexing muscle for MAGA and gaining additional presidential power he wishes he

BMW does it too - the bigger number is the coupe’d version(X1/X2, X3/X4,  X5/X6)

Nissans years (make that decades) of boneheaded decisions and catering to just “good enough” finally catching up to them. Hopefully Honda saves them and brings them back the 90s Nissan - back when they actually gave a damn about quality and performance.

I don’t think she dies she’s just gonna leave him - if she did die I doubt Saul Goodman would still exist - Jimmy would be too broken down to continue that path. Just my theory.

Well said. Howard was a dick. But he was a good dick. And certainly didn’t deserve this outcome. I believe this was the first of many straws that eventually leads Kim to leave Jimmy - seeing your mentor killed in cold blood in your dining room is a pretty big rude awakening.

Nice Price - but as soooon as the CE light pops on.... Run...

Just dissolve it. Let them keep everything they have as it now - or maybe agree to a set date in the future and break them off cleanly. No more. The family is relic of novelty at this point. I’m sure they’ll survive.

The previous seasons cast him as a victim of his royal upbringing - which was not all that loving - so yes we were made to be sympathetic to his plight. But then Diana comes along - literally ripped out of a Disney fairy tale - and she’s his polar opposite. Not to mention he was in love with someone else. Charles

The first thing I noticed was the vid quality - what is this 4k?

Its a reluctant NP. Yes I know its a 20 year old BMW - yes I know it will need more repairs (as anyone else tempted to buy should already know) but c’mon just look at it. IMO BMW peaked in design right around here - the car is just gorgeous from every angle.

This. I voted NP because it is actually. But any owner had better be prepared to spend another $4500 on anything else that will need maintenance. I also have a huge soft spot for the E38 because it just so damn gorgeous. So NP - as long as the future owner knows what they’re getting into.

I don’t consider myself a noose expert or anything - but from what I’m looking at - I’m definitely gonna call that a noose.

Dodge has been making the same damn cars for over a decade lol - they are probably pretty reliable now. But I wouldn’t want one unless it had a Hellcat or Trackhawk badge.

C/D is testing a Model 3 right now that simply decided it didn’t want to start one day. They got it towed and found it needed a drivetrain swap or something like that. Can’t speak for other brands but I think they might be on to something with Tesla - and they’re not the only ones who have knocked their QC problems.

I need to see more angles to make a solid decision but so far I like it. I don’t really care for this face on the G90 - but I the think they hit it out of the park on the G80 and GV80 - they look great.

Baaa ba ba ba ba.... baaa baaa baaa....

I love how the ad says “A/C works as it should”

Noticed that too. Then noticed all the digital displays are actually still functional, which completely distracted me from the extra 5k plus miles. This car is a steal.

$2500? Nearly everything works? Great shape? This is NP all day and twice on Sundays. This is a great little find.

My riding lawn mower costed more than this thing lol - its got some questionable engineering choices for sure - but I’m still thoroughly impressed for the price.