Matt Trakker

I’ll take... “Trump has no clue WTF he’s talking about” for $200 Alex.

Need for Speed? I think its from Cybertron. Likely Decepticon.

<in my Austin Powers voice>

For my 97 - I updated the wheels to 18 inchers, LED tail lights to make it look more modern (excuse the bird poop on the hood lol), I changed out the headlights and turn signals to clear, updated the head unit to a Pioneer touch screen, wooden shift knob(couldn’t find one that quite matched the other wood trim but I

This needs more stars.

“And if I hit the switch - I can make the asssss drop....”

Except you can get a C8 for about 1/10th the price of a supercar (the topic of discussion) and they’ve nearly sold every available preorder (thats not a flop).

Yep. And yes on principle alone I would be that petty.

I’d just take his power cable and hold it hostage til he paid me for fill up. And he obviously knows where he can find me.

I read this entire article in the voice of Wile E. Coyote... super genius.

My financial situation is irrelevant - but if you’d like to know I can buy a C8 (or any other ride in the price range) without blinking. I’m all for performance or cosmetic options - point blank -this is an option I’d never blow money on - but to each their own.

Ok money to burn - $100 bucks a number, okay sure. But $5k? I’d rather put that cash into performance or other options, I’m not paying that kinda cash just to change 5 digits that are that inconsequential to my existence. I’d just get vanity plates for personalization - much cheaper and can actually be seen by

$5K to change the VIN??

The Philippines - The “Hostel” of the auto world.

Did you just leak the plot?

This article has way too much time on its hands.

The C7 will still be sold for another year from what I’ve heard - but they’ve already had 5 years to buy one - they shouldn’t be complaining. But I agree Corvette should become its own brand and they could keep selling both underneath that brand.

This. And this is the main reason GM is moving the Vette a little further up the ladder - there’s gotta be a bigger performance separation and “exotic like” experience from all the Camaros and Mustangs out there.