
How about “none”? Can I choose “none”?

I suppose they still have to continue what they are paid to do, tracking the US’s weather local and afar.

Only intelligent comment on the page.

Alternate title

Wow, you really hate it huh.

Good post. The thought crossed my mind that semi autonomous cars will be the bees knees for us jalops. I don’t think autonomy is avoidable. It’ll come standard on Ferraris and flying cars no matter how much enthusiasts bitch. I just hope they make cars compelling and enjoyable still

You do realize that you have no idea what you are talking about, right?

Aside from how irrelevant your comment was to the article, there is only one animated GIF posted in the comments and it was simply copied from the article. Maybe you should take a puff of your inhaler next time you feel the need to ignorantly generalize a generation of people simply because you can’t handle looking at

I know one thing- I’m not paying a condescending turd to make videos about easy-to-understand shit, especially when he’s so crass and vulgar for no reason. You might need to factor your personality into your business plan and adjust acoordingly.

Especially if he's not mentally fit!

Apparently there's rules in the garden section. They should post them or something if they expect people to follow them, trees are made for peeing on.

Did you get one shooting that statement across the interwebz?

A not-as-great escape of the Yankovic Family.

The view from the other side of the hotel room.

NASCAR crew could've done that — and changed all 4 tires — in 12 seconds.

Translation: Yellow, red, blue, red, blue, blue, yellow, blue, red, red. blue.

Methinks Bro was thinking about a different kind of strip when ordering this plate?