
It sold this weekend...

You were still grayed out, but no longer. Please use responsibly, lest ye return.

This person clearly has no idea about how a car actually works. Sure, when one of those early turbos failed, coolant splashed around and hit hot engine bits and made all kinds of billowing steam clouds, but that is most certainly not "exhaust steam." There's no stoker crammed in the back of an F1 cockpit frantically

To everyone bc* wont care. He is a ignorant ass and he got all his money from his family so he will just go buy another one with his big inheritance. L4P is a bunch of friends is all. Know one from any of the other rally's ever join them. Honestly bc* never worked a day in his life for all that money. L4p tends to

Did you see the gameplay? It pretty much is an MMO.

Why is it that anytime someone talks about learning to code, we get a 20 year old veteran who wants to stomp on the dream and tell them that's not real coding/development/whatever.

Am I missing something? What about the original green car? The beautiful Jaaaaaaaaaaag e type.