
Too bad GP is going to be shut down in the  near future, only reason i went back to spotify.

take a seat

Huh, wasn't aware of the same say ach, i was actually refering to how i would make a ach transfer and the next day it would be in the receiving account. Anyway I've lost track of what is going on, so goodbye!

I swear a couple years ago they updated ach so the transactions would update daily instead of the 3-5 business days like in the past.

as someone who absolutely despises the idea of these bots, this makes me slightly happy in a schadenfreude kind of way. 

Strange, I've always associated "performance" rental cars with ecoboost mustang convertibles rather than challengers.

It’s a shame and a blessing all the good vault companies are overseas.

Depends, are said prisoners in prison for their political ideologies and are subject to borderline torture on a regular basis like in china?

if I remember correctly, land rover got more reliable once that Indian automaker took them over

I just want to confirm, do you own a restaurant or something, or juat really love tomatoes?

This. I got an equinox that will sip oil and has a shitty backup camera, but has lasted to 220k miles and would probably chug to 300k. Only gripe is that a good bit of chevy dealers are dipshits on engine problem diagnosis

Got data to back that up?

Moving this out of the grays for very obvious reasons.

I would lol

I kinda did #5 a few times, mainly because I sold at such a low volume and I didn’t feel like pouring stupid amounts money into the dealer section of CL. was totally upfront with people when they talked to me about it, and none of the cars I posted were “turds”. but I’m pretty sure I’m the exception, not the rule on

I was going to say that I don’t admire Carter due to him being so ineffectual as president, but then I remembered he’s done a solid bit of good out of office, kind of like a inverse of what Obama’s doing (granted it’s only been 2 years, and the guy definitely needed a break.).

hey look, another manchild!

You’re better off buying a dedicated mold killer, sporacidin (i hope i spelled that right) which can be found at home depot is way better at getting rid of the stuff.

UK doesn’t have problems with mold, walk into a unremediated flooded house in houston from harvey and you’ll get the idea of why it’s an issue.

As someone who spent a significant amount of time in houses with or being remediated by mold, those cost and time estimates are pretty spot on, not so much the "guys in whit tyvek suits part", but it's for the ratings i guess...