
God, shame on anyone who names their kid that.

Kinda stretching the outrage there little joe, might wanna pull back.

my usual reaction to comments like this is “goodbye, nobody really cares.” but not in this instance, take your sabbatical! (because we all know you can never truly leave the internet). (yes, this is totally a white ally thing for me to say)

I should’ve been more clear, you’re complaining about the quality of a weekend filler piece, what are you expecting.

The problem with fad diets is repetition and that the super low caloric intake many recommend leads to low blood sugar issues. Both of which lead to quicker burnout and high failure rates. which is why anyone with any serious brainpower dismisses them almost immediately.

The door is on the left, don’t let it smack you on the way out.

yeah, the guy is spot on about the rice being non-traditional, there was another article around the univision-verse that had several commentors talking/complaining about it.

I keep forgetting you’re such a massive “anti-capitalist”

as someone who has a bottle of Tabasco on his desk right now, I love this.

Could be a whole lot worse my friend.

TThat is a bad take

I guess my issue is more with the definition of a ”little local place”. because once you start moving away from the northeast those places tend to drop in quality pretty heavily and the ones that are good tend to develop a local following that moves them out of the “little local place” category.

I have a problem with using the quality of smaller local pizza establishments to define a space as a “culinary wasteland”. The quality of a cities cuisine shouldn’t be judged by one mainstay.

Somewhat ancient refrences aren’t good here netherlander.

I think it’s time for a nap billy, you’re getting a wee bit too cranky.

I would say this is Africa just being Africa, but I would be horribly mistaken. fuck trump, fuck the Russians, just fuck everyone in this mess.

cool, so you have the intellect of a small field mouse, should’ve known.

cool, old lady is bored of death and destruction, cry me a blood filled river.

so does this mean I can do speach showcasing every shitty thing your parents said at any point during their lives at their funerals?

god I hope hordes of people shit on your grave like you’re doing right now, that would be class.