actually the body shop is attached to a larger dealer network with locations in houston and dallas, so I wouldn’t necessarily call it “small time”
actually the body shop is attached to a larger dealer network with locations in houston and dallas, so I wouldn’t necessarily call it “small time”
and apparently jony ive, which I find amusing.
needs more javier bardem.
sorry, I washed my universal translator with my shirt (again...). what did you say?
This simultaneously the best idea and worst idea!
wooow, I’ve never seen someone get something so wrong and feel so smug about it on this site. you need like, a trophy or something...
so like the pubic library from that futurama episode?
Texas Pete’s is great, though there was the one time I drank a large amount (around like 30 ounces, though I didn’t measure) of it for a dare. It was probably in the top five worst nights I’ve ever experienced, it probably scarred my intestines pretty darn good too.
god this brought back memories from the time my dad took me to battleground speedway to watch dwarf car racing, his buddy was manning one of the cars and I thought it was the coolest thing.
As someone driving a 05 legacy (a 2.5i limited sedan though). I agree with you.
definitely sounds like Luby’s or its ilk. Not even chain steakhouses are that piss poor (at least in my neck of the woods)
Didn’t realise kodak was still doing anything consumer facing
I really enjoy play throughs like this. better than reading the synopsis on Wikipedia, which i do a ton.
Read a synopsis of everyones gone to the rapture, seemed like an interesting plot, hope they do something good in the future
Good for you
I’m assuming you are one of the people who came over with AV Club. if so, here’s a proper welcome to the kinjaverse, I’m going to break your spine now.
the lead image looks like a group of people getting their green slime on
was going off of memory, shame I got it wrong
I’m betting on a Q1 2018 flatlining, but that’s just me being slightly more optimistic (if you would call it that)
was wondering if anyone would bring up the (poorly named) deathdozer.