
Smart move. Perfectly normal and relatable person versus the couch fucking VP for the other side.

I read his Wikipedia as soon as he was picked. He’s an impressive dude. I like him. We are a military family and I would appreciate having someone in the Vice Presidency who has served this country in that way and understands what that means and the impact serving has on families and even communities. He’s been a

Gotta say he seems like a very down-to-earth and rational person. The Scout thing is some sweet icing on the cake.

When reading about the rise to power of Stalin, Hitler, and Mao, a common theme is they would purge and lock up intellectuals and the educated, and I always wondered how they then got anything done. Of course the long-term answer is, they didn’t, but that still didn’t stop the sun from rising every day. So when I see

The thing I find funny is that his supporters view him as such a “strong man”, and yet he is SO easy to manipulate and influence with a few dollars. How they don’t see through his “strong man” charade is so far beyond me.

On the plus side, he does help explain why people lose so much money to fraud in this country. There really is a sucker born every minute, and they don’t recognize a scammer when he’s parading around right in front of them. Heck, they’ll even vote for him!

To understand what they see in him, you have to meet the people who support him. They are largely uneducated and driven completely by self-interest and vindictiveness. Exactly like him. 

“I’m for electric cars. I have to be because, you know, Elon endorsed me very strongly,” Trump told the crowd.

Someday, man, someday, I hope, that I would understand what people see in Donald Trump. He’s as charismatic as a piece of soggy bog roll, just as intelligent, too. What is it that people see in him? After all these years I still don’t get it.

Looking forward to him reuniting with Ivana. Party at my house, champagne by the case.

Remember, Donald The Felon only cares about one thing: money in his pocket so he can (ugh) win the election to keep his fat ass out of prison—period. Self-serving hypocrisy are the words that he lives by.

Trumps corruption is clear as day.

Look we’ve dealt with Trump as political force for 8 years, 4 of those with him as president. It should shock no one that he has the object permanence recognition of an infant.

Ragebait will definitely get you clicks, but well thought of articles can too. I remember Jalopnik used to have some really good interview articles and investigate articles. Can we get back to that? I feel like the only reason I'm still here is the comment section and it's a hot or miss if that is even working.

I’d still caveat that there are people not-online-enough to not know any better. Some folks genuinely just see a cheap EV with a good charging network. This site documented quite a few instances of “ I bought a Cybetruck because it’s all crazy and sci-fi looking, why does everyone hate me?”

who wouldn’t think twice about ‘bricking’ your car on a whim...

“He just called me out of the blue,” Mr. Musk said. “I don’t know why, but he does.”

Man what a difference just a few days made. We went from Trump probably winning and throwing us into the 4th Reich to now a sad old man who due to no longer having another old man to go up against is now obviously and painfully the ONLY senile old man in the race. So of course he is gonna’ backtrack. Its just insane

You can’t lie if you live in a world without truth.

1st Gear:  Ummmm, yeah.  He’s talking about golf carts y’all.