
I often wonder if there is a real correlation between the “aggro-ness” of someone’s online handle and their level of un-fitness for said aggression.

As a fellow lib, there’s nothing that makes me feel more “owned” than a complete stranger destroying his own property in a fit of pique over some bunch of strangers trying to make sure some other bunch of strangers are being treated fairly.

Oh Gee... you’re telling me an organization that puts on a car show where most of the participants are people with lots of money and no taste happens to be extremely politically conservative?

I’m shocked!!

Muskrat is a tech bro.  “Musk the environmentalist” was just a persona he used to sell EVs.

He never was. He was just a car salesman, and the messaging worked.

He never was an environmentalist. Don’t be absurd. He was virtue signaling to start an electric vehicle empire - and it worked! Well, until he alienated all the people who would buy his poorly built cars by tripling down on supporting Trump and the other maga CHUD candidates.

Yes, the correct answer is, never was. 

Sure seems it.

Not within the environment that he cares about. Not knowing (or caring) about the difference between people of color is quite relatable to MAGA, and the truth (or fiction) of the discussion of Harris is not especially important in as much as it reinforces the rumors of her promiscuity. I fear that the only people that

Hes a full on clown show at this point. Everyone who has been attached to him should never be taken seriously again. But we know the WaPo and NYTimes can’t fire some of their buddies even if they are fasc as hell. 

“... and confirmed that then-Almeda County deputy district attorney Kamala Harris wasn’t discussed.

No, they deliberately parse his meandering, incomprehensible ramblings for any kernel of coherence, sanitizing him so that people who didn’t actually watch the speech will read some article that selectively pulls the two or three quotes that are the least incoherent and think “hey maybe this guy has it together”.

I think the media is generally embarrassed to put quotes from Trump in their headlines for fear of looking like they are as stupid as he is.

Don’t forget that news media relentlessly hammered one candidate for their age, while barely mentioning the age of the other candidate, and now that the first candidate has dropped out, all talk of anyone being too old has completely vanished, even as the remaining oldster can barely speak a coherent sentence.

The Board will never do anything to remove Elon. He has padded it with the biggest sycophants he can find. They basically think of him as the second coming.

Here is a question above my pay grade: Legally, what options does the board at Tesla have at their disposal? I ask because I assume Musk must be legally tied to the company and cannot be removed. Because at this point if Tesla has any chance of survival its going to require removing him from any and all aspects of the

Oh, god, yeah. Half the time the biggest red flag is not the car’s condition. It is the seller is an arsehole. No car is enough of a unicorn to make dealing with some people worthwhile. 

“no lowballers, I know what I have

I live in up/mid-state NY. Which is basically just Appalachia with a different accent. So, I’m unfortunately well-versed in the insanity of these folks. I guess when you have a total lack of education and critical thinking skills you gravitate towards the people who allegedly think and talk like you and reject the