
Lies, propaganda, brainwashing. Easy-peasy. They’ve been perfecting it in the United States since the Nixon administration, it’s all been carefully planned. Trump is actually messing it up for them, but if he’s what they’re stuck with, they’ll take what they got. 

Not driving related, but relevant to the cop mentality; I got charged with assault for taking one step in the direction of a cop, who had just slammed my female friend’s head on a counter at a concert because he didn’t like what she said to him. She was about 5'4" and all of 90 pounds at the time. I didn’t see the

It’s so you can have this conversation:

They’re hoping for a sucker to snatch it up, but I hope they have to keep dropping the price down to something reasonable or scrap it.

Unless Democrats get a supermajority in the House and Senate. If every Democrat voted, it would happen.

All he wants to do is line his pockets with those sweet, sweet oil company bribes.

The only value I see in this is for a movie or TV show that takes place in the ‘90s.

I remember the good old days when a politician doing something like breaking a law, even as minor as this, could end their career. Now 34 felony counts and sexual assault isn’t enough.

Apparently it was an “older woman”, which is somehow even more messed up.

It’s not “guts” that keeping him from it, it’s ethics and integrity, which we know Trump has none of. If Biden did do something, Trump’s Supreme Court would ultimately decide if he committed a crime. Don’t need much imagination to know how that would go.

Yes, they will. 

But AR-15s with bump-stocks are just fine! 

So after all this they could have defeated the Sith by getting a pet lizard.

This isn’t the disease, it’s a symptom. What they’re doing isn’t defensable, but if you screw people over enough they stop giving a fuck. This will only get worse and more frequent if late stage capitalism goes unchecked.

Saw this headline before watching it and hoped it would be something like Daenerys or the Red Witch, Melisandre. Would have been much more interesting than what we got, which wasn’t really a “cameo”.

Light saber kryptonite! Hmm, now if there were something that disables force powers...

Holy shit, are you kidding me? The so called “fine” and no consequences for the executives I expect, but choosing their own monitor? They’re going to go right back to what they were doing before.

That could make sense. I just wish these articles weren’t written until they know what they’re talking about. 

From the article: “The concern over the fob, or the “digital magnetic key” as it was later described, is that it has the potential to allow someone to alter vote tallies.” This is a ridiculous statement and I question it’s validity. What is this “digital magnetic key”? It should be explained, technically, in detail.

temporary, unintended downshift into first gear” No big deal! Just make sure nobody is tailgating you on the highway, and you’re not ever driving in slippery conditions, easy-peasy! Funny thing is, this happened to me in my old Ford Focus while going about 75 on the highway. Scared me enough that I took it to a Ford