
Why does it matter? We’ll never change. We just want more bars and more guards and be tough on crime. Highest prison population per capita in the world, but hey, we HAVE to be doing something right, because we’re number one, right?

A quarter?? Look at Richie Rich over here! Back in MY day we were happy with squished PENNIES!! 

Or it just teaches him to wrong better.  Because the way to fix a psychopath is to surround him with other psychopaths?

NP great first car for a 16 year old (especially if you want to embarrass him/her).

No parachutes sounds appropriate.

Sadly insightful point. As this SCOTUS has obliterated agency abilities to do basically anything that isn’t explicitly written down in statute...we’re going to see a lot more of this.

And then, they’ll blame the Liberals!

There’s weird, and then there’s endorsing and funneling money to the man who wants to cut off your nose, all to spite your face.

It’s Elon, it was always going to be super weird. 

Unfortunately, this is to be expected.

It’s weird to support the candidacy of a man who wants to actively harm you, Elon.  It’s super weird.

This is not meaningful deterrence.  Bars, locks, guards, wardens. Now, if not sooner.

So they’ll tariff GM, Ford, Toyota, BMW, Honda, VW, Audi, Hyundai, and Mazda vehicles made in Mexico increasing sales prices to US consumers?

Something something Free Market. Something something hypocritical assholes.

What will be wild is that the law enforcement that they’re going to go after are all already Trump supporters themselves. Like, I will relish the moment Trump has Mitch McConnell thrown in jail for lack of loyalty, even though McConnell will have done more than almost anyone else to facilitate his return to office.

Everything about Trump is one giant grift, so Trumpers grifting Trumpers is just a natural part of the life cycle.

If they have never seen towing like this before, then they must live under a rock somewhere far outside of Charlotte.  I live in Charlotte and it has been a popular topic on the news for decades of how fast towing companies will tow your car if you park somewhere and even look at another store besides the store the

A succinct summary of the GQP worldview: rules are for thee, not for me.

Fishy? Hmmm. Can we go over the fence and put some in those cars... ;)