
Say Phil, is that your truck out there?”
“Sure is! It’s an Apocalypse Industries Dark Horse Bronco with kevlar finish!”
“Wow, Phil! I was sure you’d made love before!”

This thing is... special. For a very special person.”

From CarGurus.  I’d argue that any EcoSport, new or used, is the worst way you can spend your Automotive dollars.  Tied with 1st-gen Jeep Compass.

In this day and age you can pretty much throw a dart at FB marketplace and hit a bullseye everytime for and awful deal. There is no such thing as a good deal anymore.

This is silly.  You’d get the same results if you swabbed the floor of your house probably.  That’s how culturing bacteria works.  The stuff is everywhere. 

Yup- we already know from his first term that he doesn’t care what kind of messed up stuff his hangers on want to do if they stroke his ego and do what he wants too. We already saw that with abortion. The fact that people are taking him saying he has nothing to do with it as some sort of guarantee are just nuts. The

Yeah, the problem isn’t that Trump will personally oversee everything in Project 2025. The problem is he only wants to office to stroke his own ego and to be able to punish anyone he feels wronged by. He’ll appoint others who will make it their mission to implement Project 2025, with his approval of anything that

The GQP would call that “grooming”.

It’s rather disturbing to think of the number of people who aren’t even considering this statement IS a very real possibility and can’t help but suspect in their whining about the loss, they’ll be blaming someone else for it happening, despite having voted for him/them. All to maybe ‘own the libs’ or just not paying

First weeks of a second trump presidency (just guessing):

Yep. They’ve already brought a case before SCOTUS arguing that state legislatures can overturn the will of the people. It failed...for now.

The scope is a little off: By sending unrestricted checks to the states, that money can and will go into the pile of state funds that will go to voucher religious schools, thus sending federal taxpayer dollars directly to tax-free unaccountable religious “schools”. Instead of fixing that bridge, you’ll be paying to

Seriously. Vote like you’d like the opportunity to vote again, at all, ever.

The bigger question what ISN’T horrible in Project 2025?

Just observing from a distance in places that I go, it seems it’s damn near-impossible for a teen to turn their phone off. Ever. Completely serious — try to observe a teen shopping, standing around, or at a restaurant that does not pick up their phone for a span of > 5 minutes.  You wont.  They cant.  Apparently while

This sounds like socialism and I’ve reported you to my church supervisor who will be launching a lawsuit to prevent any future food and beverage breaks for utility workers in your area.

In my little section of West Alabama, whenever we have power outages following a massive storm, we offer the utility workers some food and drink while they work to show our appreciation. I’m serious. We usually have our power restored faster than everyone else.

Yeah instead of talking “tough” maybe he should use some of the $105 billion (3rd most of any state) it receives from the Federal Gov. to actually upgrade its ancient power grid.

We just are so much better than this.