
What you have proposed is current Biden admin policy

What you have proposed is current Biden admin policy

This is like a middle-schooler running for class president on a platform of ‘only chocolate milk in the cafeteria!’

There are not “two clowns” running. One is a well-intentioned old guy. The other is a narcissistic, evil, fascist, traitorous, old-guy. Know the difference. 

Friend, I am not “enjoying the water,” I would very much like to get out of this water.

Climate change does not give a flip if you believe it real or not. It’s happening at an accelerating rate. We are the proverbial frog in the pot, enjoying the water until it gets cooked. There are a portion of us that are taking this crisis seriously but a vast majority don’t like the hit in convenience and money it

“Oy, ‘Uey! Justice Thomas is a roight CUNT. Me and da BOYZ iz finkin of takin ‘im out.” 

Yep. Our only hope now is Congress, which is about as effective as a screen door on a submarine.

Everything. Is. POLITICAL.

Be more angry that this isn’t bigger news on the sources that -should- be talking about this in greater detail. 

If you don’t want them to talk politics, buy the website.

But the Supreme Court of the United States is not made up of politicians. It’s made up of judges, who are supposed to be impartial. These are the people who, in the end, get to decide if any of the rights in the Constitution actually apply to you - because apparently they’ve decided it doesn’t apply to the President.

The bad guys only win if we let them win. Vote like your life depends on it, because it does. #Project2025

I’m sorry you were forced to click on this article, read it, then leave a comment.

This absolutely pisses me off to a degree that cannot be possibly expressed. The bad guys won. Yup. The bad guys are winning despite first and foremost being pieces of shit as people. They are winning because half of the country is full of dipshits. They’re winning despite committing serious criminal acts including an

never gonna happen. Impeachment is the only way, so to say another way, never gonna happen.

Nothing will ever come of it no matter what he does. He could come out and admit to taking bribes and it wouldn’t matter, because the only way to move a justice off the SCOTUS bench when he doesn’t want to move is to impeach him. And we all know what our hyper political environment that will never happen.

Remove this bastard now. He’s a threat to democracy and the people.  Alito as well.

Oy, this asshole again.

Clarence Thomas is a bribe taking criminal. We still don’t know how involved he is with the Trump’s January 6th coup plot.