
Meh, considering how Elon has devolved into a total POS, him endorsing American Hitler could be a good thing from it backfiring. “Musk is for pathologically lying Donald? Then Biden has to be the better choice.”

Oligarchs tend to stick together to protect the oligarchy. No surprises here.

Reason #242123151 why I will never drive a Telsa MAGA hat on wheels.

For those wondering why Musk would endorse a guy who seems to want to destroy the electric car market. consider: Elon Musk just got a $56 billion paycheck from Tesla. Do you really think the cares whether the company lives or dies at this point?

Of course he does. Many wealthy people who got that way from the labor of others support same. No surprise.

Literally none of it is “government forced”

This guy should get the death penalty and I’d love to throw the switch. FUCK that guy.

As one who is picking up his new furbaby kitty from the Animal Refuge League later this afternoon, this is grounds for summary execution. Preferably in the most painful and inhumane way possible. Tossed out of a car at high speed in heavy traffic would be fine with me, but maybe not quite painful enough.

Next up will be the option of a fully-enclosed bed, aka a “trunk” and the sedan/limousine will have come full circle.

Imagine the pure—I don’t even know what word fits here, “hubris”? plain old stupidity?—that it takes to decide that, instead of just paying off eight ex-employees in a lawsuit like every other corporation would do, you decide spend the time and money trying to change fundamental parts of the current government so that

Given how the Six Stooges on the Supremes love wiping their collective asses with the Constitution and how they’re (smirk) originalists (“We love citing 18th century precedents, except when we make up bullshit constitutional reasons when we feel like it—which is most of the time.”), I hate to say it but the prediction

If only Biden had the guts to exercise that ruling the same way we know Trump inevitably will.

The court has already invalidated much of the federal beaurocracy’s ability to regulate anything, so I can see where this is going. We’re f’d.

The Court’s previous decision: “The president is above the law.”

Well, since corporations are people, I suppose 2nd Amend “rights” apply to them, too - amirite ?

Obviously you arm the drones so they can defend themselves. It’s the American way.

And then they have the temerity to call normal people “snowflakes.”

Isn’t it crazy how scared they are of pretty much the entire modern world? They like to frame it as angry or indignant (if they knew what the word meant), but really they’re just scared little bitches lashing out at anything they don’t understand. It would be sad if it weren’t for the people in power encouraging them

lol people are so fucking stupid to think that A. they’re important enough to warrant drone surveillance, and B. that a small ass drone can carry anything in the way of advanced photography or surveillance equipment in the first place.

From what I’ve heard, you don’t give a shit if people with asthma or COPD die.