
Less than a mile?

Wait until you read about all the old and abandoned leach fields.

To all of the Jezebel staffers, I’m so sorry. Your value has never been properly recognized by the bean counters who misunderstand media so completely. I have enjoyed reading your thoughts and getting to know all of you through your unique voices, even when we may have disagreed or approached an issue from a different

I love this site and the writers have always been great, but the readers and commenters have sometimes been absolutely terrible.

Also the party that wants government out of our family business, wants to tell you if you can have an abortion, tell you what books your kids can read in school, wants to tell you what storytime you can decide to take your kids to...

Absolutely. If a Republican president is elected and we’ve got a Republican House and Senate, they’re sending a total or near-total (6 weeks, no exceptions) ban to president to sign. And if it’s Haley or someone else, it doesn’t matter. That Republican president will all of the sudden believe something like, “This

Well, we can sleep easy knowing that the state of Texas has sound environmental safety regulations in place so this will not happen again for at least 2 weeks.  And the offending company will absolutely learn their lesson by being given a multi-billion dollar handout.

Wow. That just hit me like a punch in the throat. Devastated for the staff, their families, and these who genuinely engaged with the site over the years. I’ve been commenting for about ten years now. Jezebel has been part of my daily online life for a decade. Ugh.

It’s so odd to me that the Party that favors leaving things to the States needs the government to ban things. So odd.

“forklift incident” is, in countries with abysmal working conditions, a euphemism for “our disgraceful lack of safety protocols, combined with our work-faster-and-harder-for-less-every-day policy, resulted in an appalling disaster on our site. Which BTW has a forklift on it.”. Grats, America, another lesson in what

A chemical plant in Houston spewing carcinogens?

I missed so much of the 2000's era music scene that many of these picks seem like they came from an alternate universe.

“counterproductive to promoting peace.”

Why buy beets for $2/lb when you can buy a bottle of beet gummies for $25 per 100 g?

Leftover beet juice is bottled, powdered, or injected into chewables and sold for 60%+ profit margin at health food stores.

A few????

It must also have all the stuff from the fracking fluid.

It’s always interesting to hear about the ways people used things that aren’t supposed to touch your skin. I bet in every case, there are a few CEOs & politicians 100% aware of the risk without a care in the world because of all the money they will make on it.

Whatever happened to sane stuff like leftover beet juice which was both benign and effective.  This sounds like something Montgomery Burns would think up to make toxic waste profitable.  

Benzene is nasty, nasty shit. There is NO safe level of exposure.