
Absolutely. We’re already seeing it with housing and not only new but used cars, things that the middle class used to easily afford. Not anymore. In the town I live in, I was lucky to get my house when I did in 2009. Now rent for a 1 bedroom apartment is twice what my mortgage including tax and insurance is, and I

Choice 4: Stop paying executives ridiculous salaries with bonuses and raises while they are losing money. But that’s not really an option, is it? 

Okay, so I guess we’re all good then. /s

Yeah, maybe we’ll see some benefits besides just filtering more wealth to the top 1% before it decides we’re all a plague to be eliminated. Can only hope I’m in the head of someone who has any say in the matter, but I’m just a spectator.

Fuckelon: An entitled, delusional and intellectually stunted rich person. “Trump is a fuckelon.

We just poison and kill our citizens in slower ways. 

You get it.

There’s video. If the driver had been paying attention he would have stopped. Seems the old guy was too slow to make it across before the light changed, and the hood of the truck was higher than his head. He got knocked down and run over before the driver even realized what happened. 

There’s video, he got knocked down and run over. There’s plenty underneath a moving truck that can take your head off.

I’m sure you’re right, but I’m too curious not to look, no matter how much of a train-wreck it’s guaranteed to be, or because of it. I may also turn it off after a few minutes and go your route. 

I feel like whether or not we regulate AI here in the states, they’re just going to go all out elsewhere, especially China. It’s an arms race, but I think in the end we all lose, like any arms race. It’s only a fucking miracle we haven’t destroyed ourselves with nukes already. We can only hope AI saves us somehow

Don’t get me wrong, I’m very much decided against Trump, but I’m interested in how the debate turns out, and don’t trust corporate media to give me an unbiased assessment, for or against either of them.

But where will you get the highlights? They’ll be very different depending on the source. I remember their last debate, the headlines were alternately “Trump destroys Biden!” and “Biden destroys Trump!” I’d rather watch it live and decide for myself

Too bad into go off a cliff, with their friend Trump in the back. 

... and the downfall of humanity continues. 

Nice, but I was thinking Darth Gimp.

I thought his second comment was someone else replying to his first. It works!

One good thing about China, they execute CEOs for lesser crimes than this. But this motherfucker will just float away on a golden parachute. 

Wow, you’re easily fooled, but they’re just telling you what you want to believe aren’t they? If you read the article, it explains what cheap fakes are because they are an actual thing. Nice “whataboutism” by the way, your dear leader has clearly lost his mind, doesn’t matter how much you try and deflect.

Video isn’t available in the United State apparently. How convenient. Here’s a good explainer: