
Translation: “He tells me what I want to hear!” They don’t care if it’s true or not, or even makes any sense.

They must be at their workstation to pretend they are working after the real work is done.

Unless it helps their bottom line, of course. You know, the corporate definition of “ethical”. 

Ugh, don’t bring back gold, so tacky. 

That postal Jeep is cool, but not $17,990 cool. 

WTF is wrong with people? Leaders should be competent, intelligent and experienced, so they at least don’t fuck things up for everyone. I guess Trump really lowered the bar world-wide.

Unfortunately Rush was still big on AM radio right until his death, and was even broadcast on FM in lots of places, including where I’m at in PA. Plenty of conservatives still listen, and his show has just been taken over by some jerks who are just as bad as he was. I check in occasionally just to see what batshit

You’re probably right, the only one I’ve seen was in north Jersey.

They can blow as much smoke as they want and spout catchy phrases like “radicalization to the center” (while supporting the farthest radical right-wing candidate ever) but I’m sure what it comes down to is they just want less taxes for their rich asses and less regulation so they can bleed more money off their

Says the guy who’s unnaturally upset about the article. That you Elon?

... or maybe this is an actual problem worthy of reporting, since people could die as a result, or is kissing Musk’s ass worth overlooking it?

Vote Trump or sit it out to protest Biden, and that will surely never happen. 

Thoughts and prayers, dipshits. 

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Either way, I’ll say this over and over again, I’d vote for a block of wood over Trump, because at least it would do less harm. Any gripe you have with Biden, multiply that x10 if we had a second Trump term, and if you’re concerned about Gaza, Trump would give Netanyahu whatever

It all gets explained as it goes, through the main story and flashbacks.

Was just listening to the two a-holes who took over for Rush Limbaugh and they were saying “we need to put on brass knuckles and pick up 2x4s and swing back”, so literally calling for violence. They said this about 3 times before throwing in a “metaphorically” just to cover their asses. They’re accusing Biden of

Musk and Peltz have told acquaintances they are working on a massive data-driven project to ensure votes are fairly counted” in Trump’s favor. Ask your average MAGAt and they’ll still tell you Trump is against the “elites”. Fucking idiots.

True, but I could see him getting just a few months, if any time at all, and coming out of it with more support before the election. 

Surely there are many Trump supporters that also think Musk is a genius, this will make their heads explode.

Don’t count on it, and even if it happens, don’t forget Hitler went to jail for treason before he became Chancellor. Trump will absolutely use a conviction to gain support.