
The mom was probably shocked by his shear stupidity. Also I don’t think they realize what a true threat people are, as evidenced by their boat attacks. 

This is nanny-state bullshit, children’s internet usage should be regulated by parents, not the government. If they really gave a damn about protecting kids they’d enact strict gun laws. Hope they’re prepared for kids stealing their parent’s ID to sign in or passing around or even selling black-market porn on flash

Exactly this. What’s next, kid’s can’t play outside without a government official supervising? 

Yeah, then they had him host an episode this last season. WTF? 

I haven’t since before the pandemic, maybe things have improved. 

Now do your neck.

If you’re using “Full Self Driving” in New York, you have already made a very bad decision. Just deciding to drive in New York is a bad idea. Park in Jersey and take the Path train in.

Russian Doll isn’t nothing, it’s fantastic. If she’s a Star Wars fan on top of that, she’s more than qualified.

He’s adjusting the diaper. 

Man, that fighter pilot one is the most delusional, if he was in a fighter jet and the actual pilot did any maneuvers, he’d shit his pants and pass out in seconds.

I’m sure he’d happily take your Grandma’s change jar and your kid’s piggy bank too. 

Too messy. They’d just use tech beyond our understanding to instantly vaporize us. At the very least they’d use a virus or chemical agent. 

We can make our own choices to better avoid exposure, change our lifestyle and change our behavior” I hate this attitude, as if we choose to ingest this stuff. We were told it was safe all our lives, and now that it’s invaded the entire environment, even in freaking arctic sea ice, it’s up to us to keep it out of our

Oh yeah, the time difference, and Times Square being like Disney Land these days... what a stupid idea. The 9/11 thing really crosses the line though, there’s been plenty of bombings in Ireland I’m sure they wouldn’t appreciate being mocked about. 

Take it before bed, no reason to be buzzed when you’re sleeping. 

A million years from now, if the surface of the planet isn’t completely cooked, and there’s any type of sentience around, they’ll find a landfill full of plastic garbage like this and wonder what the fuck was wrong with those ridiculous creatures that somehow temporarily ruled the planet.

Some of it may be legal offenses, but a lot could fall under free speech, though I’m not sure how that works in Ireland. Could be the most security could do is yell “Hey you kids! Bugger off!”

Ever been to a dairy farm? Cows shit and piss everywhere; on the walls, on each other, they’re practically bathing in it. They hose them down and dip their udders in stuff before milking, but I guarantee there’s shit in that raw milk. Even the tiniest amount is enough that drinking raw milk is just stupid.

You could argue the Tik-Tok ban was to silence anti-Palestinian genocide sentiment. That it’s a Chinese company was a bonus.

My respect for these sites with their slideshows went up -10%