
Fantastic show, bound to be classic sci-fi. I don’t think it had enough marketing, if any. I only found out about it from a listicle.

Good news everyone! I take a trip in rural PA twice a month for work, about 100 miles one-way through farm country. In 2016 there were Trump signs everywhere, enough that I didn’t count, it was just sad. This year there are exactly two, after one came down last week, and they’re the same ones that were there in 2016,

He sure loves the uneducated. 

And if they’re working poor and vote Republican, they’re fucking suckers. Don’t have a clue how badly they’re being played.

I had basically the same answer for rural PA, guess it’s true of anywhere in the “red” parts of the country. I have family in a very city/suburban, highly populated area of NJ, and they’re bleeding in there too. 

“Country turn”... You mean when they swing out left to turn right? I’m in rural PA and they’re doing that even in regular size mini vans and crossovers now. They’ll even cut into the straight-only or left turn lane if they’re in a right-only lane. It’s freaking dangerous and entirely unnecessary, even in a full-size

Rural PA, Don Von Shitzinpantz country, so a lifted, coal rolling RAM pickup with a Trump sticker and wheel spacers. I’m sure they’re all high quality and installed properly too. /s

Considering how things are going, anything he does is apparently not a crime. I’ll be shocked if there are any real consequences for him before the election, and if he wins, there absolutely will not be any. 

I’m shocked that corporate execs and marketing people are tone deaf, shocked I tell you!

Right, it would have suggested incorporating the physical mediums into the iPad, not destroying them because they think they’re useless now, which is just wrong.

Yep, the marketing people probably think “Who needs a guitar, paint, clay, any physical medium when you have an iPad?” That’s just sad. 

Exactly! Show them being thrown in a hopper, no visible destruction, squisher goes down, iPad comes out. Nobody would care.

Wow, how did they get the first Lego version of the Falcon so wrong? It looks like a flying saucer with extra Falcon-ish parts tacked on. 

Not for long if people keep voting Republican.

Looking at the picture, that’s not a scratch, it’s an “I got smacked with a machete” level gash. Nothing outside of internal mechanicals on a vehicle should have the potential to do that to a person. But sure, it’s cool, “100% my fault”! That’s cult level thinking. I’d get Tesla to pay my medical bill at the least. 

Edit: wrong article.

Good point.

It means “stop using profitable environment destroying chemicals to save the bees”, therefore meaning “I hate job creators and capitalism”, so wanting to save the bees makes you a communist or something. Never mind that if bees were killed off we’d all starve to death, the more important thing is the chemical company s

See WayDude’s comment below, I can’t express it any better.

Well said, can’t give you enough stars.