
I can’t imagine if my boss invited him to my place of work to schmooze it up. I would have to call out sick that day because there is no way I could show this prick any more respect than he does to most of humanity. 

I’m with you on this, it’s the same reason I quit watching The Walking Dead years ago, but they really are well made, entertaining movies.

My anecdote: I’ve had a 22 year old Acura TL for 5 years that was handed down from my Dad, currently has only 120,000 miles on it since he mostly had it after retiring. Have only spent about $2000 on maintenance, including tires and oil changes. I’m often tempted to buy a new car, but not when I think how much money

Wish it wasn’t completely dominated by religious and far-right propaganda, and that’s the only radio some rural areas get. Correlation or causation?

His real name isn’t even Ted, it’s Rafael. We all know why he doesn’t use it. 

Can’t imagine the kind of woman impressed by this. I’m sure they exist but keep them under the rocks they call home, along with the coal-rollers’ “women”.

I can see where he’s coming from, it’s not great when you can tell the actors are having fun when the scenes don’t call for the character to be having fun. It’s like “well, Chris Hemsworth is obviously enjoying himself, but I wonder what Thor would do in this situation.”

(Musk) added that, beginning at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, he will ask any executive “who retains more than three people who don’t obviously pass the excellent, necessary and trustworthy test doesn’t lick my boots to resign.”

So Trump will get 22 years at least for the same damn thing, right? LOL, just kidding, we all know he won’t see any consequences, just inconvenient court appearances that he wines about incessantly. 

Brutal. That, folks, is why ya need a union.” Yep, but real brutality is not getting severance at all, which is how it is for plenty of US workers. This is high profile though, so none would be big news, but if they thought they could get away with it they would.

I don’t give a damn what they build, it would still be a theocratic monarchy where women are second class citizens. This will suddenly become a real problem if Trump wins in November.

This is only the beginning, I’m actually surprised there isn’t already a flood of stories like this.

Here’s your “other side”: Squash competition and innovation that cut into big telecom and social media’s profits.

Yeah, until Gomer in his lifted pickup flattens you. I appreciate the sentiment and wish it was more practical, but if you’re in the United States and you can get everywhere you need to go on a regular basis without a car, you’re privileged. Not everyone can just decide to move to a walkable city, where you’re likely

F***ing wonderful. As if things weren’t messed up enough, any jerk can get a deadly drone.

Not supporting the actions of the Israeli government, specifically Netanyahu, is NOT antisemitism. Hamas should be hunted down and eradicated, and the hostages should be released, but supporting the indiscriminate killing of tens of thousands of innocent people is wrong under any circumstances. Anything else is a bad

From the article, “The company and its CEO have knowingly engaged in public discussion describing the cars as “driving themselves”. How are they not responsible? People are stupid, you got that part right, they will blindly believe this; in the survey mentioned 39% trust a “self-driving” car. That’s plenty to cause

Sick of Marvel movies except for Deadpool. Keep ‘em coming.

Disrupted their customer’s satisfaction. 

Everyone should vote to support them. Only fascist pricks won’t.