
What’s the Venn Diagram of incels, trolls and rapists? I imagine a lot of overlap. Not that they even need to worry, in anti-choice states it will still be the woman that ultimately pays the price.

Another failure of our government in the U.S., that they can tie completely unrelated things together like this, holding the things that “We the People” want hostage to force through things we don’t want.

it should be relatively easy to mitigate these threats if the EPA can be compelled to do so”

“most important” in that he’s screwing things up way more than any other single employee possibly could. He doesn’t deserve a $100 bonus, they should just throw him out on his ass. 

No brains either. 

It had barriers, but they were designed when the bridge was built in the ‘70s when cargo ships were much smaller. Totally useless for ships this size.

That dang woke! Why won’t it just leave us alone! /s

The Ford 49, but only if they didn’t screw it up like the T-Bird

I assume you’re joking but this is the internet, so...

Well said. 

If the cat likes it, why not? It’s a win all around.

Gotta love the line He was a guy that you went to for advice” 

For sure. I was thinking if another vehicle is involved, it can go from a minor traffic violation to manslaughter just because the rider chose not to wear a helmet.

0.1%, but yeah. At least they have a good streak going. The chances of something from China landing on you seem to be a bit higher. 

“I do not trust FSD anymore”

At least the Pawnee town council would be trying to solve a problem in earnest. This crap is just fake BS trying to score political points while wasting everyone’s time and undoing things that will actually protect the environment, all just to make their corporate buddies more money.

If throwing a bowling ball out of my car window on the highway had a 1 in 10,000 chance of killing someone, I still wouldn’t do it.

  • Try and forget the world is literally and figuratively falling apart while you can barely make ends meet.

Youtube in 2050 (if the human race survives that long): 10 minutes of un-skippable ads before a 5 minute video, with several ad breaks throughout. Gotta make those shareholders happy!