
Look closely, it’s got vulvas embroidered on it.

I didn’t recall, but this is it. Thanks!

I think they know he’s a criminal, they either don’t care or see it as a plus. They believe he’s flawed but he’ll save them from the “other”. What I don’t get is how they see him as competent, I guess maybe from watching “The Apprentice”, they think he’s the bestest and most greatest business man ever, or maybe they

I read a book once where they came up with tech that allowed you to see everything anyone had ever done in the past, and everything they were presently doing. People just started to not give a damn what they did anymore, and what anyone thought about it. Not to defend this asshat, but if we can convincingly make it

She’s so cool, what with the classy vulva dress and I read she was a punk with a mohawk and all when she was younger. I hope this sequel does better than the first reboot, although I thought it was pretty good. 

There needs to be a PSA on Tik-Tok that if something is new to you, it doesn’t mean you discovered it.

I remember reading there are different grades of balsamic vinegar, some much better suited for this.


And Republicans want to get rid of the EPA all together. Great idea! 

The trick to speed it up is that when someone lands on a property but doesn’t buy it, everyone else bids on it. I may be mistaken, but I seem to recall that those are the actual rules, but nobody follows them.

And a count of child endangerment for every other child they exposed to it.

I keep seeing this without anything to back it up. Is your name Elon? 

Sounds way better, and doesn’t turn your poop blue!

Don’t forget Vincent Gallo

Ignoring the price difference between this and White Claw, if you really want vodka you can buy a pint for around $7 and a 12 pack of flavored seltzer for $4. 

He makes fun of white guys more than anyone, just look at the main characters, they’re all dangerously stupid buffoons.

Life is deadly.

Iris: “Hello, Earth!”

His whole career is “make fun or everybody and everything”, and you can’t be uptight and do that. Not sure what you mean by “cool kids” but he’s straight up made a fool of trump on Family Guy, dedicating an entire episode to it.

Peter has a Rhode Island accent, Ted has a Massachusetts accent. Big difference! /s