
I don’t know, to me, voice command isn’t worth telling Amazon and Google when I take a shit. You’re literally sitting on the device, just push a damn button. 

making their money by making the world mad at each other rather than clarifying information and perspective” Spot on. So many “journalists”, “reporters” and “news outlets” need to be called out on this.

Good thing the Venn diagram overlap for Doctor Who fans and Kid Rock fans is virtually non-existent. Those complaints should be taken as seriously as someone shooting at cans of Bud Light because they got their fee-fees hurt. 

Kind of an important fact to note. Maybe the author assumed everyone lives in California. 

Need to check the bag every time, unfortunately. 

Apparently they’re still kissing Apple’s butt around here. 

So what’s disappointing about the Pixel 8 Pro’s temperature sensor is that you won’t use it. That’s just you, it’s a feature that works, what’s disappointing about it?

It will only get better, in fact I’m sure there are programmers actively working on covering up the ways you mention to spot AI content. I see this ending up like the internet: seems like a good thing, ushering in the future, etc., but will end up cause a lot of serious problems, if not the worst of problems.

(laugh emoji)

Anecdote: I have an account I signed up for years ago, never used, and can’t cancel because I forgot the password. I’m sure there’s more than a few like me. 

Maybe he was testing a boring flamethrower on them.

You seem to be an intelligent person, please tell me you know it’s spelled “though”.

I didn’t get it when he wasn’t immediately laughed out of the primary in 2016. He was always a POS. I guess these fools watched “The Apprentice” and thought he was the greatest business man ever or some crap. 

I had the 1984 Dodge family van as a hand-me-down when I was 17, and would occasionally drive it with the cruise control on while sitting on the open window frame, with one hand on the wheel, completely out of reach of the brake pedal. It was also surprisingly great for doing donuts in the school parking lot.

To be fair, Musk and cops just keep fucking up. Also, this wasn’t a police chase, she just crashed into a barracks. 

Saw a video of big SUV rolling with passengers thrown part way out, including through the sunroof, getting crushed as it rolled over them. They obviously weren’t wearing seatbelts but also didn’t get “thrown clear”, which anti-seatbelt people love to mention as if it’s a good thing; they would have died from head


Yep. Someone should make these using quality seasoned ground pork and good barbeque sauce. I think I’ll try it myself, just need to find a fake riblet mold.

Sounds like you just know some shitty people. I treat customer service workers with kindness because I’m not an asshole, and it just makes life easier for everyone involved, not to make myself “feel special. That’s some next level cynicism.

What kind of sociopathic crap is that? Sucks that you have to associate with those people. Everyone I know that has worked any kind of customer service, including myself, understand what it’s like and have empathy for anyone working those jobs.