
Also they killed comments on The Root, probably as a way to kill the site. 

Is the question so much their political leanings, or whether their loyalty is to the country or the far-right (trump)? There are plenty of right-leaning people whose loyalty is to the United States, not some crazy political movement, and I’d like to think that’s especially true in the military. 

Conservatives fetishize guns and love waiving them around as a symbol of their manhood, or more accurately fear and insecurity, while liberal gun owners treat them as what they are: tools. No need to advertise, it just comes down to the old cliché: fuck around and find out.  

I took Accutane as a teen because I had severe cystic acne, and it worked, but shortly after I stopped taking it I developed what in hindsight to me was similar to paranoid schizophrenia for about 6 months, enough to lose nearly all the friends I had gained with my newfound confidence from having clear skin. I’m just

Came here to say that as a white male, none of the incidents I’ve had are worth mentioning compared to all the headlines lately. I’ve had it easy, even when the cop was obviously having a bad day. 

He doesn’t do anything, he just takes credit. I’m sure the engineers have a strict non-disclosure agreement to not tell anyone how flawed and half-baked it is. 

Probably, but if the show is good enough I imagine it will keep attracting new viewers. I saw S1 of Gen V and liked it, but the message isn’t quite as strong, maybe they’re just trying to get a younger audience into The Boys.

Sure, but how many will vote accordingly? I’d say a good rule is against anyone who says “drill, baby, drill”. They’re being paid to say that, and don’t give a fuck about the future.

I think the “shocking” aspects attract exactly the type of people who need to hear the show’s themes and messages. 

I remember a promotional pic of trump’s quack doctor sitting in front of his computer still running XP.

There’s a lot of great games out there, talk to me when it’s not $80 (or $90-$100 after two years of inflation).

And everyone else deserves not to be squashed by a tractor. 

Do tell...

They think it’s like pie, if everyone gets respect they’ll lose theirs. Because they’re idiots. 

What used to be isolated “village idiots” are all united via the internet now.

We had trump and it’s looking like we might again. I don’t know which is worse, but a second trump term could beat that by a long shot.

The puritanical shit has a lot to do with our ignorant fuckery.

Here’s one: It’s a shame this is all being attributed to a now admitted anti-Semite.

Sure, like the off-duty cops throwing bricks through store windows at BLM protests. Problem is, you need to prove it, otherwise it’s a conspiracy theory.

There’s a picture of Higgins standing near a child; proof he’s a child molester!