
Life expectancy is going down and poverty is going up. That system no longer works for the people. 

I work across the street from a rail line, seems to only carry coal, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near those tank cars if there’s a derailment.

And prohibit them from driving up costs to cover their fines, because they will.

Yeah, he’s been punched and kicked in the head a lot. Now he’s a senator. (insert eye-roll here)

Wasn’t sure who he was, unfortunately the top Google searches show me the turd, almost as if they’re advertising him...

Just looked up the author’s name, he’s still a college student. These sites really are going down the tubes. 

They killed Gawker and Jezebel and shut down comments on The Root, wouldn’t surprise me if they start licking Musk’s boots.

Don’t know, I’d assume customer complaints, but those may not always be on corporate’s radar, or store visits from corporate reps, which the employees may be aware of in advance. Maybe some managers put sub-par product out to get what they can from it, while others have higher standards. When I worked at a produce

That’s a local employee and/or sourcing problem, not an Aldi problem. The one near me doesn’t have that problem at all.

Yep, I’m smack dab in fracking country. At least that particular well closed in 2021. 

Yeah, that’s my point. 

Oh I know. This one just hits close to home, less than a mile in fact.

Here’s the fun stuff they’re putting in the ground near me, according to a site someone mentioned, (I’m posting this again for emphasis and I’m in the gray because... ?)

Wonderful, doesn’t change what’s in it. Here’s some of the stuff from a site in my area, according to that website:

An entire political party. 

I’ll admit my parents did, but I’m sure not. I appreciate the struggle. 

Can tell what neighborhood you’re from - just like the one I grew up in, but my parents were the Silent Generation and I’m Gen-X. My brother’s preppy friend’s parents drove these.

I hear you, but what do you think it would be like under a second Trump term? That said, Biden better figure this shit out fast. 

Wouldn’t be surprised if they’re completely made up to keep us on the edge of our seats, glued to the TV during the whole election cycle. 

All the Kinja sites. As someone who has been on these sites for at least a decade, the quality has dropped very significantly. Clickbait, slides, lazy articles asking what readers think, broken comment section, legit commenters in the grays while trolls get pushed to the top, and obvious lack of proof-reading/editing.