
I’ll blame microplastic in the brain. 

And he says “Too much confidence for too little skill”, as if what he was doing would be okay with more “skill”.

Holy crap that Hyperforce is ugly. Looks like something out of a sci-fi B-movie. Could be cool if they tweak it a bit. 

From my experience, they couldn’t care less what Jesus would do in any given situation.

The one picture is a grade warning, but a lot of these weight limit signs are for small bridges.

I was once arrested for literally just saying “Hey!” to a police officer who had just slammed my female friend’s face into a counter top, for throwing a t-shirt at him. It was a concert and she was wearing body paint, provided by a vendor at the show, the shirt she wore there got lost, someone complained (oh the

I prefer the “chain their rear axle to a telephone poll” gag.

It’s been the reality since the beginning of police departments in the U.S., they were formed to recover escaped slaves.

You can see in the video, sure seems so. 

Competition is good! Let’s hope the name brands don’t threaten to stop selling in stores that compete too much or make back-room deals to keep prices high.

Wegmans has a lot of stuff that is better than name brand. 

Possibly, but I believe it’s simply that American companies can’t piss off the Chinese government, it’s too big a market to lose, and they have and will get banned. Then China will just clone their products and sell them under a different name. 

Oops, replied before seeing this. Of course I had to point out the obvious. Hehe. 

It’s company values when it comes to China are: Don’t piss them off or they’ll ban our products and cost us billions in profit. So they’re values are essentially whatever China’s values are.

These shows are great if you’re sick of Marvel and DC. 

Some polls are showing him ahead. WTF people? It shouldn’t even be close. I guess because Biden is old or something? As if trump isn’t and doesn’t constantly speak nonsense, and he’s a damn criminal FFS. 

Are Republicans eating their children? Just asking questions. But seriously, they don’t care about their future. 

Family friendly, eh? Yet they hired Mario Lopez for the contest, who said it’s ‘dangerous’ for parents to support transgender kids. I guess that fits their “overall brand values”.


Yeah, Biden’s not great, but I’d vote for a rock over trump, at least the rock wouldn’t do any harm. Unfortunately too many don’t pay enough attention to realize the consequences. Cheers.