
I’m not talking about all conservatives or everyone on Truth Social, I’m talking about DJT supporters. I’ve literally sat and had a beer with a couple of them, and without being confrontational at all, the most I said was “not a fan”, I was subjected to insults, bullying and threats. I’ve lost good friends and family

Yeah, when someone asks “Who did your ink?”, you don’t want to answer “A machine”. 

Look what “full access to the internet” did to people. I’m concerned. 

Yeah, it’s silly really. They’re just friends who met at work, nothing unusual about that.

If this was truly an echo chamber we would just be agreeing with each other. Yes, I am speaking of DJT supporters on Truth Social, not half the country. These aren’t reasonable people expressing “conservative thought”, they’re not victims who fell into his schemes, they’re hateful bigots who would love to see him har

Czuba previously had a friendly relationship with the family and even built Wadea a treehouse on the property” but then he listened to conservative radio, and here we are. If you ever listen, they love to talk about how Democrats are destroying the country, but I guarantee they’re silent about this.

The new Brat Pack? Without the brattiness? (I know, I’m old)

I knew a lot of guys in high school driving their dad’s second hand muscle cars, or they bought them with their fast food job savings. Now some of those same cars, if they didn’t get beat to death or crashed, are worth 6 figures. Still blows my mind... If I knew then what I know now! I thought I was cool driving my

Go ahead and defend them and let’s find out.

“publicly” involved with politics, the CEO still donates to hate groups. Not just Christian groups, but the kind that want the death penalty for anyone who isn’t heterosexual. 

“Thou shalt not kill” - Chick-fil-a CEO - “What if I just donate to people who want to kill LGBTQ+ people?”

The worst thing this account could do is respond to any harassment with anything but a laughing emoji, no reasoning or critical thinking would be considered by this audience anyway, especially by this account, or would just get it banned. They should just post stuff that owns the cons and let them stew over it.

Come on man, don’t equate so-called “Pro-Life” assholes with Celtics/Red Sox/Patriots fans, because that’s really the entire state. Yeah the sports fandom there can be shitty (no worse than NY fans, to be honest) but it’s not like it’s a red state. 

Your vibes are correct. 

Those are perfectly reasonable takes she’s expressing, they are deliberately making them into something they are not. I guess they need another way to justify killing Palestinian babies, all of whom are apparently card carrying members of Hamas.

Just like another commenter here, linking to some Fox news site about Mexicans in Chicago as if that’s relevant. Don’t ever go to Chicago, the Mexican street gangs will get you! I’m more concerned about overzealous MAGAts or Q-Anons than anyone else lately. 

Like one of my neighbors, they seem to have their own flag now, the same but in black and gray for some reason. 

Don’t drive on the yellow line, always use your directionals, and then there’s a disturbing new trend I’m seeing: don’t swerve left to make a right in your car or pickup truck, you’re not driving an 18 wheeler! One time I was in the straight only lane with some jacked pickup in the right only lane, the light turns

This seems like kind of a big deal. Add these student’s panels and inverter to any EV and it seems it would add a huge amount of range. 

A lightweight aluminum trailer with more panels? Why not?