
I have no idea who this “Riley Reid” is that you speak of. 

This is aimed at kids and young adults. One popular kid at school or a friend says they like (insert “influencer” here), and other kids are going to follow them, it doesn’t matter what us stuffy old adults have to say about it. I guess the best we can do is point out how they’re being manipulated, as far as I know

Fake corporate influencers, and you know people will just eat it up like they do the Kardashians for example, not having a clue how they’re being manipulated. It is depressing.

I wonder why they didn’t go with that viral Tik-Tok guy, he was pretty spot-on. These guys seem to have acting experience though. 

Should be interesting to see what businesses start to fail first because the working class’s stagnant wages are being gouged from all over. It’s unsustainable. I guess it just depends on which have to raise prices and which are doing it just to increase profits. Seems the one’s that have to raise prices due to factors

You don’t have to be a metalhead to love Metalocalypse, it’s an over-the-top parody of the genre made by an actual metalhead, so if you aren’t one you can still laugh at the silliness of it all. Fair warning though, there’s graphic gore in every episode, because you know, that’s metal.

Venture Bros. should be #1, and it absolutely should not be behind Aqua Teen Hunger Force, if just for the fact that it’s a show that a lot of effort was put into and they were successful. Tim and Eric just seemed like they were trying as hard as possible to be off-putting, which I guess is some people’s cup of tea.

1955 Nash Ambassador. Ever play one of the Fallout games? It belongs in that world.

If you like The Boys you’ll like Gen V, check it out. Be sure you’re not bothered by extreme close-ups of penises though. 

Nobody is freaking out here. The guy that told an AI to create it is calling it an organism, which it is not, by any definition. Frankly, it’s silly to think so, I’m only bothering to argue because you are. If you want to believe this thing is alive in some way, go right ahead.

Easy: Red dye No. 3 is the antidote to the vaccine microchips. 

A business can’t continue operating in a state without adding known carcinogens to their product? Good riddance. 

It’s an inert blob of material. Relating that to a human with reproductive issues is some real mental gymnastics.

My Jack Russel had all of her scheduled vaccinations, was a very active and intelligent dog, and lived to the ripe old age of 14. Not that I’d have even considered not vaccinating her.

Been hoping for this to happen to a certain orange shit for a long time. 

It can’t reproduce, which is the bare minimum to be considered a life form. It’s literally an inert piece of material unless outside forces come into play. 

“I think when some people look at this robot they see a useless gadget,“ Kriegman said. “I see the birth of a brand new organism.”

I don’t care how pissed off I am at the slow-mover and anyone hesitating to pass them, I will never pass more than one vehicle, and never in a no-passing zone. Don’t even consider it. You just never know when that hesitator will stop hesitating, and they’re not looking for you when they do. You can use your horn and

So the problem is really capitalism. Yes I’m baiting you. 

I think the point is that many people are depressed because they have many different societal reasons to be. We throw drugs at the result but fail to do anything about the causes.