
Still better than the alternative, and if you think he’s “just like you guys”, I have a bridge to sell you. 

Not a coupe. 

Seems the ISPs will just drag this out in the hopes that the orange turd will get elected and squash this. 

It’s by design. 

Yeah, they all suck, but not the same. One side is all about tax breaks for the rich and actual Nazis go to their rallies. I’ll let you figure out which.

Does any of it make sense? We elected a con-artist game show host before that. Clearly corrupt, self serving politicians in Congress are re-elected over and over every election. It makes a little more sense if you realize at least half the country either isn’t paying attention or are complete suckers.

Nah, why do that when they can pit us against each other, you know, like they’re already doing in reality.

I’m sure that would be a challenge, but I like it!

So they just cut off your power with no alternative? Seems like that would be news-worthy. What plant was it?

He’s an elite withopen contempt for those who are not members of (his) rarefied class”, he’s got the greatest healthcare in the world. 

Would a coal plant even get shut down if there wasn’t something to take it’s place? I doubt they’d just kill it and leave people without power. Is that what’s happening? 

Not counting on Lachlan being any better than his father. 

Surprised nobody is mentioning it, but it looked to me like the lift itself failed, the yellow arm appears to snap right before it falls.

Someone needs to make an actual dune buggy boat. 

I saw it and wow, did you watch the same show I did? It’s especially baffling since you were a fan of the books. Any changes they make in an adaptation can be unsettling at first, but they turned out to be done perfectly. I can’t think of anything that was disappointing, but of course you’re entitled to your opinion. 

I watched it, and damn, was I NOT disappointed. Incredibly good! Can’t wait for season 2, I’ll probably even subscribe to AMC just to see it.

The Pennsylvania State Police recently removed the requirement to have 60 college credits become a cadet, because they didn’t have enough applicants. Their solution was to attract less educated people.

I’m just waiting for him to unveil his doomsday device (that his engineers built, but he’ll take credit for) and threaten to detonate it unless people like him.  

Oh gawd I missed that episode of the Simpsons. I’ll be sure to avoid it.

My girlfriend has a vibe, watch for valve cover leaks. Oil got into the ignition coil packs and they were toast, wasn’t a cheap repair.