
The timeline for that Dodge Dart story is only about 22 years, I drive a 2002 Acura TL that’s still going strong, only ever had recalls and maintenance done. The clearcoat is shit now though.  

Right... because no cops have rage issues, lol. 

He’s even got the haircut of choice for people who need anger management.

Knew a young lady who always drove with her left wheel directly on the yellow lines, not next to it. I asked her once, “What if someone in the other lane is doing the same?” and she just got defensive, said she’s a better driver than me, and didn’t answer. She would also tailgate by default, didn’t matter how fast the

Sure, “Royal Bigness”, best get back to studying for your Youtube University degree, that way you can really stick it to the Biologists who know so little about science compared to you. Idiot. 

kinds of places you ordinarily wouldn’t swim in like warm, plant-filled lakes”

The way things have been going on the right, I bet her poll numbers go up.

There’s lots of adult jobs a 12 year old could do, but what’s your point, they shouldn’t be paid well to do them then? Also I think you’re wrong and don’t understand the demands of the job, it would be considered at least dangerous and at most cruel to have a 12 year old do them. Either you read the article and think

WTF are you going on about? The UAW is trying to build people up, the car companies sure as hell aren’t. 

His cultists hate EVs, so he knows this stance will help get him elected and out of legal trouble. It’s really that simple.

... and it’s fixed with no acknowledgement to you. :\

Sorry to be violent, but that first picture really makes me want to punch him hard in the face. It’s the “I’m a genius deep in thought” pose and on him it’s maddening. 

It’s right there in the cartoon, FFS. 

The 414-mile mostly gravel highway was built to support the dangers of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System during the 1970s.”

I was surprised how good he was in this. Maybe being a whiny twit in the prequels was by design, by the same guy who thought Jar-Jar was a good idea.  

So you might not exist if it weren’t for him wearing a helmet! I’d love to ride but also don’t because my kid needs me around, your dad sounds like a good man.

Truth. Don’t forget those don’t bother to vote.

Exactly. I never have and don’t find my life lacking for it in any way. 

I live in PA where there’s no helmet law, and almost nobody wears them around here. Not wearing one can easily turn an accident resulting in some scrapes and bruises into being straight up dead. Every time I see someone without one I can’t help but think “dumbass”. But “something, something, freedum” I guess. 

Was thinking the same thing, their Wagyu burger was good but didn’t taste like anything special.