
She’s a Republican, she lies by default. 

Employed to protect human life, does not value human life. Just to be expected from a cop anymore. That woman pursuing a Masters degree probably had more value in her short life than this piece of shit ever will.

This is butt-ass ugly and you know it. I see what you do here with the ugly vehicles and the ugly paint jobs. If you really like them then I guess there’s no accounting for taste. A new version of this with good aesthetic design would be great however. 

Your ignorance is glaring. Why are you suffering these delusions that you know what you’re talking about? Ever even speak to a trans person? Are you a biologist? Here’s something that you’ll probably ignore because it doesn’t fit your confirmation bias.

That last paragraph you wrote - that’s not up to you to decide. Who do you want to decide what medical procedures you should get besides you and your doctor? Politicians? Randos on the internet? 

Who decides who generates content then? The government, corporations? Back when the internet started picking up steam I recall it being mostly user generated content. Like everything else, when it becomes all about money, it becomes a twisted, sick imitation of itself.


I bet this comes straight from Musk. This is likely the cost of a casual lunch for him. That said, if you’re enough of a sucker to pay it, I don’t feel sorry for you, just wish he didn’t benefit.

Mastodon is great, it just -seems- more complicated than it really is, which is plenty enough to doom it.

Huge fan of the books for a long time, loved the original 90s movie, etc., but I really, really did not want to subscribe to yet another streaming service to watch it. Fortunately I have Max for other things.

People need to stop using Twitter, there needs to be an alternative. It’s becoming nothing but propaganda and misinformation. (Not that I’m a fan of the NY Times, but my point stands)

Don’t you know you’re not allowed to complain about defense spending? Are you not a patriot!? 

I had one of those! Nothing to do with Trek except the picture on the package. I guess they shot at things on the show sometimes?

It’s all good, you just want to sell cameras. 

This statement is false. New mission, refuse this mission. Does a set of all sets contain itself?

Should have said that to him and it would have kept him occupied until the cops showed up. 

“I don’t get how police officers get fucking fired suspended for something that we would get arrested for and spend time in the clinker. They might just gte canned get fired unless even if they murder someone dies and then they get a job in the another jurisdiction because they watch out for each other”

That or they aren’t aware.

If you don’t mind sharing your documents with Google, and whoever they share them with. 

My significant other is very active on Facebook (unfortunately) and this happens all the time: Report actual hate speech and somehow it doesn’t violate their policy, but talk back to someone making actual hate speech and hurt their feelings... Facebook jail for you! I haven’t done anything to get temporarily shut