Brick HardMeat

More like a real office, like how everyone’s at home on Zoom and covered from the waist down in their own filth?

Her being a Zionist was enough for me to write her off a while back. The rest is just extra toppings for the Awful Person Sundae.

Indeed. The idea that if you had a c-section, your baby should have died is not the sentiment of a rational human being and should be a disqualification all by itself.

I can’t reply to the greyed person saying “citation needed” so here it is:

Yep, that’s a very good example, as always the information is out there but people don’t really care until the majority decides to care. We sadly live in a very selective society when it comes to our views on sexual assault. 

Yeah, it’s a really upsetting account and I’ve only ever heard about it from other people in comments sections. Even when you google there’s not a lot of articles about it. 

Brown person here (Indian, but a commonly Muslim first name). I definitely changed behavior post 9/11. I was in college and it was suggested to use “Sam” on my resume as well as mention I’m a natural born citizen. My mom was worried about me and suggested I should also shave my facial hair. Clean-shaven, I’ve often be

I was surprised to learn the guy who plays General Ross is a rapist. It seems like nobody cares.

Neither does a first-world country without universal heath care!

I lived in Jersey (Exit 9 area) at the time, maybe 20 miles from Manhattan, and the image that will be forever seared in my brain is more or less what you describe. That afternoon I took a walk just to try to clear my head a little, and when I went up the hill a couple blocks from the house I saw the plume of smoke in

I never get tired of this story: Mick calls Charlie’s hotel room at 3 in the moring, drunk as hell, asking “Where’s my fucking drummer?” Charlie gets up, has a shave, puts on a suit, then walks over to Mick’s room and pimp-slaps him. “I’m not your fucking drummer, you’re *my* fucking singer!”

Watts’ drumming wasn’t flashy but he sat in the pocket and held down the rhythm section for the most famous rock and roll band in the world for 6 decades.

this is me except for the many saints of newark. God bless

Yeah, I do remember a couple of others, but “only” a few people died in comparison. And they seemed like outliers or revenge-motivated rather than indiscriminate terrorism

I have some resentment now for my science teacher, who found out about it before most of the school did, as did we. When someone asked him (an army intelligence officer) *why* someone would do this, he responded that that he didn’t know, maybe they were jealous of us. While nothing justifies the atrocities of that

The appeal is that she’s funny. Just a guess.

Regal Cinemas (and likely soon AMC as well) where I live is requiring vaccination cards along with ID at the door for all showings now. Yes, not foolproof, but good enough for me.

Awkwafina’s presence was a plus, but I got a lot more interested when I saw Tony Leung got roped into it.

The description of her duties leads me to believe her 78 year old son is doing the hard part, which is lifting and stacking the traps and making sure they go out correctly.

Good for her if that’s what makes her happy and for the fact that she can still do this work at 101, but fuck that.