Brick HardMeat

Enh, not as funny when someone is actually beaten up.

What if you had an aisle seat and breathed through a dryer vent snaked out through the emergency exit? Awkwafina would appreciate that.

A roller coaster with no loops, humps or curves; just straight down.

You forgot: Old people should go out and risk death for the good of the economy. Let them die off so that businesses can still make a profit. (These were also stated by the Texas Lt. Governor.) He’s a racist idiot. And no the terms are not redundant. I should have just been concise and stated he is a member of the

  • You can cure it by injecting sunlight”

Or! Hear me out, you're racist.

Make sure you add “You can cure it with horse dewormer” at the end because we have truly come full circle

She is literally strutting around in thigh high boots and your first thought is “Man, I don’t think Faye is dressed slutty enough.”?

So you just unilaterally suck, huh? 

Funny enough women can be hot and seductive without having to flash skin 24/7.

One man’s opinion here: It’s early days, but it looks like they did the right thing here. Faye’s design was one of the only things from the anime that has aged poorly and would be difficult to pull off in a live action remake without looking dumb.

Leaving out the cleavage is not necessarily de-sexualizing. You’ll have to see how the character is played. Daniella might still use sexual flirting as subterfuge. But that does make me wonder—2021 is not 1990's. Gratuitous cleavage, chain smoking, casual violence....these are all things that carry a different weight

Mad that they cast a black guy AND complaining that Faye isn’t basically naked. Wow, you’re just full of shit takes huh? Are you going to tell us about Gamergate next?

You sure are coming across as someone who emphatically does not care.

The creator of Bebop said many times even before a live-action adaptation was planned that Spike was Asian. It was pointed out in the manga that he was “oriental.The creator specifically modeled him off of a well known Japanese actor (a specific part that actor played in fact) and everyone involved in the creation

I don’t understand why you’re yelling at me. I emphatically stated that you’re not racist. I mean, I really tried to drive the point home, just so nobody could possibly get confused.

If only they mentioned it in the article!

Spoiler alert for his post down thread: He is.

Who cares? Aside from hyperventilating incels, that is?

One thing we can be sure is that he’s not racist, because he loudly and insistently reports on all topics about black people in media that he’s not racist, and you can’t prove that he is. And he wouldn’t say that sort of stuff —again, on all topics about black people— if he actually was racist.