Brick HardMeat

Fucking Winkelvii.

I was just trying to get “rowsploitation” or “crewsploitation” in there; I wasn’t expecting someone to make it into a graduate thesis.

Hollywood has come for the niche but hopefully lucrative college rowing crowd. It’ll be known as “rowsploitation”. And hopefully, it’ll be beautiful.

Years ago, I was moving from one crazy, dangerous neighborhood to another slightly less dangerous, yet equally crazy neighborhood, when a mentally ill homeless person randomly tried to cut me with a box cutter. Just one of those things. One second he was trudging by silently, the next he was coming at me, also silently

That would explain why there were modern camera angles and movements present which aren’t normally associated with 60 year old films.

Right! I had to read that twice to get what was happening with you don’t have to go to LA...but your job is.

I bet Robson loosens his tie and rolls up his sleeves a lot. So hands-on!

Yeah, super-gross.  I feel bad for the writers, who really have so few options at this point.  The one beneath it, about Jez, is also terrible.

Speaking of gross behavior, did everyone else all ready know about this?


Hey, he took it from your own website, so I guess the people that pay you thought some people might like to look at an overview too but a lot of people don’t know the button is there yet.

To follow up on Brick’s genuine reply, I appreciate a list like that screengrab. It’s not out of an effort to crap on your efforts to write a blurb on every film, but that the website — ESPECIALLY on mobile — is sometimes downright unusable to where readers physically cannot navigate through the slides at all. So I’d

It’s extremely good, if a little frantic. The sense of humor is delightful and the animation is really impressive. 

Big McLargehuge!

You left out the best: Gristle McThornbody.

You can criticise the murderous, apartheid state of Israel without being anti semitic. The Palestinians are semites too.

How could “predictive policing” be anything other than prejudicial?

I would be scared shitless to face Serena Williams across a tennis court.

I think that’s just how she talks...  I can’t speak for all Black folks of course, but I’ve never considered the way she speaks to be “Black.”  She talks like a young New Yorker.

You mean sounding like she’s from New York because she’s from New York?