Brick HardMeat

without pinning the blame squarely on Cutthroat Island.

He’ll be fine. He’s vaccinated, after all.

Hope he dies from it. But alas, he has public funded healthcare to save him.

I got the booster - moderna - as part of immune compromised approval. Reaction was slightly less than second shot

Can we get a first dose for kids under 12?

Yep. Baseball was a refuge for the outcast women of A League of Their Own. Dottie was the only “normal” one of the group who could have gone on to be reasonably happy as a standard 1940s housewife. For the others, they got a few happy years doing what they loved with great friends before all that was taken away. (And

There are the types of stars who are big for a time, but gradually fade to the point when successive generations don’t know or care about them: everyone has seen a Humphrey Bogart film but it’s likely that most people haven’t seen a George Raft film.

Winger wanted to go out of her way to avoid earning herself a second life-long nemesis.”

He and that racoon snorted over a pound of Bolivia’s finest that night.

Bob Ross: Brush with Death

The most surprising thing I’ve read about Bob Ross was that he used to be a drill sergeant in the Air Force (google it.)

Ya know that’s not a coke nail right? Painters use their pinky nail in painting. 

I would have liked it if they’d reimagined Scenes From a Marriage as slapstick comedy.

Similar, but not really.  Daniel Craig looks like Pinon if he was run through a handsomizer machine.

Now playing

I don’t know if the part was but a couple of line definitely seemed to have been written to reference her status at the time (maybe?)...

You threaten me at home where my family lives in the menacing manner he did, we’re not forgiving you,  turning the other cheek, or calling the cops assuming I have proof of the perpetrator’s identity.

More important:

The stories about her clashes with MacLaine during filming Terms of Endearment (in which they are both incredible) are legendary. Which, fine, some people just rub each other the wrong way. But these same dynamics come up over and over with Winger.

Debra Winger seemed to never get along with anyone she ever worked with, male or female. After a while, it’s not them, it’s you. And very little seems to have changed.

I thought I’d heard that Winger was largely out of work for a long time not because she reached a certain age but because she’s a jerk. This kind of sounds like that. Maybe this call was the impetus.