Brick HardMeat

Wow, this seems extremely...petty.  Madonna had a tiny role.  Who gives a shit? 

And the Asian and middle eastern groups who get counted as “white” when it’s convenient for racists and republicans for voting purposes, like white-skinned Iranians and Arabs and lighter-skinned Far East and SE Asians.

It definitely is a controversy.

Report is incomplete. Where’s the data on:

The “milquetoast” jab would hold more weight if you guys ever actually took a public swing at Spanfeller.

That’s the love child of Adam Sandler and Vincent Price.

It’s clearly Vincent Price.

That’s the face of a man who has definitely tied Polly Pureheart to the railroad tracks at least once.

I’m surprised this has taken so long. Anyone who has read Pamela De Barres’ I’m With the Band, or Groupies will know that almost every 60's and 70's rock star was “sleeping with” very underage girls. Zeppelin sent a 13 year old on a plane across the country to the Rolling Stones. What were once considered hilarious

C’mon. Is this the face of a child molester???

I mean, I love Bob Dylan’s music and this news sucks but if you watch Don’t Look Back, the guy can be an asshole. Sadly, I could see how he could possibly rope girls in with being “deep” and a “poet” and then be emotionally abusive or worse. The Ryan Adams situation really popped into my head when I heard this news. 

Case dismissed due to new evidence from rando AV Club commenter.

There is a certain impression that properties that don’t have a white male lead are a little quicker and a little easier to “experiment” with. Allegedly, ScarJo was worried about Disney wanting to push a streaming release for Black Widow even before the pandemic, and when the pandemic started there were a lot of

unless the Taliban decides to march out all the translators who helped the US military and their families and slaughter them for their treason, which is both nauseating and certain to happen.  As bad as we fucked over Afghanistan as a whole, the betrayal of those translators and anyone we promised citizenship to in

You bring up another interesting point. So while fast food is working in a race to the bottom for pay and is eyeing things like automated cooking/prep. They already trained their customers to bus their own tables, so the bot might not be worth it in their opinions. 

Can we stop requiring negative tests instead of being vaccinated? You can test negative today & then test positive tomorrow. Either you’re medically unable to receive the vaccine, or you’re vaccinated. There can be no middle ground.

Heartbreaking: Concert Entertainment conglomerate you hate does something rad

watching these fucking assholes passionately argue for their right to NOT have to wear a fucking face mask, and thus put themselves and others at greater risk of contracting Covid during a pandemic, because it’s their “God-given right as an American”...I just have no words any more, only disbelief.  I’ll never deny

That. Withdrawal was the only option. The US should never have tried to ‘fix’ Afghanistan. The majority of the people there either don’t want “Westerners” telling them what to do, or simply don’t care who’s in charge. There was no ‘majority’ to turn the country back over to who wouldn’t revert the country right back

They have 100 million subscriber’s data and they only want $277,000?  I love their lack of greed.  This reminds me of that scene in “Austin Powers” where Dr. Evil asks for one million dollars and the council laughs at his low demand.