Brick HardMeat

He is lucky you were doing your job and paying attention. I got a story for you. Older daughter invites friend (maybe 10 or so) for a sleepover. I inform parent that we might go for a swim. Mother sends daughter over, with swim gear and we go to pool. i’m sitting in chair and all the kids jump in at the 5 maybe 6 ft

I was a lifeguard at a water park, and did this about 30-40 times a summer (usually because of dumb parents pushing their children to go on rides they were obviously not prepared for). It was an awful place to work in terms of management and the deeply racist, sexist culture among a lot of the staff, but I loved the

In some areas it is impossible to buy a home without getting an HOA. When I bought a house, I wanted one within walking distance of my office as driving in the area was a PITA. That meant an HOA.

In some places you have no choice.

of less-than-mediocre white folks (who otherwise would never have given a shit about Olympic gymnastics) cried out for Biles’ head on a pike

I don’t even touch people’s pets.

I’m laughing so much at your last sentence.  

You know he’s just going to pull an LCD Soundsystem and come out of retirement in 10 years.

Yeah, I don’t know if it was true or not, but word has it that Sinatra, good pals with JFK before the election, was snubbed by him once JFK became president.  Actually that’s pretty well documented - but was it the reason Sinatra became such an arch-conservative?  I mean, was Sinatra that small minded and petty?  (My

I don’t really see any compelling reason this person should still be allowed to have his helicopter license when this is all done with. 

I cringe to think of what culture wars Sinatra would insert himself in. 

George Burns, when asked why he kept performing at the age of 96: “I have to support my parents.”

I seriously hope family members and others haven’t pushed him to perform this long. It’s been presented as a thing that gives him purpose, focus, and happiness, and it’s absolutely astonishing he can still do it not just at 95, but at 95 several years into Alzheimer’s. I hope it’s genuinely made him happy. From what I

Only other one I can think of that I’ve done is that while I’m pushing my 4 yr old on a swing, rando 4 yr old will ask for a push. Even then, I’m doing a scan for the parent hoping for an approving nod.

It’s insane. We’re moving in a month and when we went to the new house for inspection we met the neighbor and her two kids, like... 5 and 8ish? She made an offhand comment that if we saw them acting up to just give’em a good swat and send them home.

But not other, more conservative folks of course. 

And that kids is also why we are still in a pandemic.

Literally saw a clip where a guy said: “I’m not a computer expert. I don’t know what this means. But the CNNs of the world, they need to start reporting this and stop fact-checking it!”

Gosh yeah I can’t imagine that South Park would ever make any kind of political statement.

Which doesn’t mean it’s immune from criticism.