Brick HardMeat

It’s cribbed from the best Hawkeye run in the character’s history, which you 100% should read. The premise is essentially “what does Hawkeye do when he’s not saving the world?” so we focus on the day-to-day of a deaf dude who’s really good at archery (I can’t believe they removed his hearing issues from the movies).

Putting aside her narrative (which I agree with your assessment) Imma be a little contrarian from the general consensus of these comments re: her music. I listened to her EP that dropped a few weeks ago... She is (at lease co-) writing all of her stuff, and I thought it was a nice little electro-pop package that had a

With the Delta variant now making businesses get even stricter than before and the number of new cases still going up, I wouldn’t be surprised if Disney does an emergency “it’s on Disney+ Premier Access now too!”

And Willis wasn’t that far removed from “David Addison” in the public consciousness. 

That’s right. Sorry.

It was particularly great after the 80s had been feeding us a steady diet of unstoppable, near-inhuman action heroes played by your Stallones and Schwarzeneggers, who never seemed to break a sweat as they mowed down armies of bad guys. John McClane bled and suffered as he got knocked around like a playful mastiff’s

I’d have subbed with “I guess he won’t be making that hat convention in July!”, which is from a completely different, non-Die Hard’ movie and makes no sense in this context, but remains one of my favourite Bruce Willis line readings.

The fact that this is not SOP among major studios is troubling.

Also, if companies want to force people back into the office at some point (and I’m sure most do), then they’ll have to demand that their workforce is vaccinated. It would be too easy for employees to say they don’t feel safe if they don’t know whether or not their coworkers are vaccinated or not.

Now playing

Richard Williams looks like the type of man that squashes hornet’s nests and installs engines with his bare hands. I ain’t messing with him either.

Is there any other actor who is the Best Thing about more movies than Rickman? Die Hard, Robin Hood, every Harry Potter (arguably), Galaxy Quest.

It will be a trickle at first, but once the FDA gives full approval to the Pfizer (and Moderna, probably) vaccine expect the mandates to become a deluge.

I normally hate it when people use this formulation, but here it goes: Live Free is a solid action movie, but a terrible Die Hard movie.

I misread your first sentence as Why do people like Die Hard , hence the mini essay  below ....doh!

Damn. You got me with the ol’ “two wrongs actually DO make a right” argument. I yield. :)

Isn’t he supposed to be German in the movie?

Do you know The Muffin Man?

Kerri Strug competed while injured at the urging of her coach.

That is not an example to follow. 

It’s called PTO

I’m sorry your job is so terrible you’re not allowed to take time off. You should maybe put your resume together and find a job that lets you take a break from being bitter all the time.