Brick HardMeat

>Also: “We have you on video sir, you’re blowing a whistle, damaging people’s hearing.”

Vichy Deadspin

Agree that this feels like the last bastion of the pre-herb days. AVC is a shadow of a shadow of its former self, and I won’t waste any breath on Vichy Deadspin.

Yeah, it’s noteworthy that the thing that everyone is horrified by is something every major pharmaceutical company does every day. No one is selling drugs at cost, or even with enough of a profit margin to sustain the company. In fact, because of the way the laws are written in this country, if you’re not marking up

You think they were in attendance?

That was my response, too.

There wasn’t one. I saw a commenter mention it elsewhere (3 or 4 writers from the other sites have departed in the last week or so, too), then checked her Twitter feed.

Nothing will land you in prison faster than stealing from rich people.

That happened to me last week :(

Please make sure you fully complete your displays of freedom by making sure to yell at a 16yo grocer for promoting store policy by the end of the day!

Yes, imagine indeed..... <loading up tranquilizer gun>. Anyone want to go hunting for the most elusive creature of all..... man.

I read on Facebook that this vaccine makes you sterile. Sorry, not getting jabbed #freedom 

Honestly, I wonder if race plays a role in this. Namely the Rock, as a person of color, has to be much more sensitive and aware of how on-screen romances could be perceived, especially with white actresses. 

The tone of this weirdly fawning PR piece for a Paris Hilton show is even weirder when you realize it was written by the same person who went hard on eviscerating Ellie Kemper for being a teenager once.


Jim Breuer finally wrote that gritty prequel...

I use to use the break room table as a “how to properly dispose of cooking and baking failures without wasting food” area.

A few years ago, a new employee where I worked put a tray of Roly Poly wraps on a table in our breakroom, not knowing the office’s unwritten rule that food left on that specific table was fair game. They came back about 15 minutes later to horrifyingly realize there were about half a dozen of us eating the food for

How did you get ahold of our Policies and Procedures Manual?

Is it weird that watching the trailer just made me like genuinely happy?