Brick HardMeat

That’s a lot of it, but there was also the part where she turned out to have committed statutory rape and paid off the child in question:

I’d rather stick my head in a washing machine on high speed spin cycle full of hammers than ever hear “Shape of You” again, but you know what? He doesn’t need me to like it because literally thousands of times more people do like it than will like the total of everything I ever do combined, so good on him.

The brain chemistry of someone contemplating suicide is so different from everyone else that its impossible to understand.

I was fine with him until the faux Irish bullshit. To be fair, some of it is production. Castle on a Hill isn’t that bad in the stripped down live versions but the single is overproduced gack. But Galway Girl is a crime against humanity for several reasons.

You're lucky that you either haven't faced enough pain or you have whatever traits let you get through pain that you can't understand death being a preferable option to continued suffering. I've had low-grade suicidal thoughts for about half my life, it's honestly kind of comforting to know if my chronic pain never

His friends thinking Argento was bad for him and internet trolls thinking Argento was bad for him are two different things entirely. One group knew him personally and knew what was going on in his life, and the other just hates outspoken women. The fact that this particular outspoken woman isn’t without her flaws is

Man knows how to write hits.

I’ll take, things that Caused David Simon to Have a Heart Attack for $800, Aaron.

Yeah like I’ve halfway been expecting someone to whip out a “critical reevaluation of Space Jam” but I’ve been thrilled to see everyone basically agree that it’s mediocre at best.

Id call this a Monkeys Paw situation, but that implies Space Jam 1 was good.  I'm not sure what anyone was expecting. 

Nope. You are EXACTLY right.

It gets his name in the news, that is pretty much 90% of their platform. The other 10% is to just be anti whatever Democrats want.

It’s probably figure skating, as that sport has constant fights between whether it’s a sport (measuring athletic prowess) or dance competition (measuring artistry). The current fight seems to be about how scoring rewards jumps using long windups, leading all the competitors to circle the rink interminably.

I misread that as “Porky Pig will be raping.”

I can't wait for him to tell us what his name is and what he's here to say!

I have only one thing to say:

And that Porky Pig will be rapping!

A24 produces a lot of movies that other studios won’t touch, and as a result, they’re consistently one of the studios putting out very good, very different movies. I would be nervous that a sale might compromise some of that independence and that willingness to take on original, interesting films that other studios

This article reminded me once again that a Space Jam sequel is real and is happening and is only mere days away and I’m sad again.

Billings, who retired shortly after the incident, testified that he didn’t face discipline for the incident, because of course he didn’t.