Brick HardMeat

As much as I look forward to the day of his death - which should be made a national day of celebration

What, you don’t want to use pre-soiled TP?

His bloated corpse will need to be cremated, fired into space, or dumped at sea, or you’ll be waiting in a long line of like-minded folks.

It would be years before police began to piece together the reports of missing bowlers from all over the country....

But not a day goes by that I’m disappointed someone hasn’t taken a shot at him.

Fiction has to sound believable...

real life has a way of being a bad onion headline most of the time.

You just named my wife’s least favorite reference I make. Anytime darkness is mentioned, my eyes light up, I start to put my cupped hand to my face as a makeshift Bane mask, and she usually says NO before I can even get out “Ahh, you think darkness is your ally.”

Better pre-peeled garlic than no garlic.

I love a lot of his other work and think he’s as much of a genius as people say he is but the movie is the perfect distillation of what makes him unique. The opening first five minutes of the movie is the purest bit of QT in all of QT filmdom. It’s like the great first album of a band that has a great and long-lasting

So true. I worked on med/surg for 2 years 3rd shift. They did us so wrong across the board...shitty staffing, no food in house, multiple admissions at once. Only pizza and Chinese places were open and delivered. We started pooling money and buying sandwich trays and snacks so we wouldn't be starving (when we got to

Damn, would I love to see someone tip his ass out of that chair at the top of a very long flight of stairs.

Oh oh oh... Can I take a stab at why he tweeted swastika? Because his a Nazi.

You forgot the bit where he lied about getting into the Naval Academy.

Is it that? Or is it a cool story where some crime guys do a job but it’s bad and they gotta figure out why that happened?

No one gives a shit about night shift, only thing they care about is that someone with a pulse is there so someone else doesn’t have to be. Those people do the job of 4 people overnight, but get shit on when it comes to special things.
“We ordered pizza for EVERYONE*!”
*Night shift’s pizza will be the kind no one wanted

Did you explain to her that the president decides where her husband gets deployed?

Where do you think the “native population” of Hawaii currently works?  Do you think the economy of the islands will magically transform into a tech hub if people stop going there for vacations?  Tourism and the service industry are pretty major parts of the economy all around the world, not just in tropical locations,

Fun story; recently got stuck in a 4-hour car ride with my sister-in-law, and she pulled out “doesn’t like politics” and “doesn’t affect her.” Which is hilarious because her husband is in the military, so politics literally puts food on her table.

Given how much the local economies rely on tourism it’s kind of a “fucked over regardless” situation.