
I was wondering if this was the eventual outcome of this story. People who take shortcuts and lie rarely do it once. 

I feel bad for all the honest hard working writers at IGN in all this, it seems like in some circles they’re being found guilty by association. Good for Jason and Kotaku that they’re fairly reporting IGN’s response and reaction when discussing this story.

Since it invariably is going to come up, I don’t understand how people can scream “this is a witchhunt” or “people are too sensitive” or “this is SJW nonsense” when time and again big gaming/tech companies have proven to be navel gazing, bro-clubs who alienate anyone who isn’t a straight white male.

It’s not

Even cut to shreds and released with a incredibly short development time of only a year and a half it’s still far and away the best of the modern Fallout titles.

A major thing people seem to misunderstand is that Price is not speaking in an official capacity for the company while on Twitter. That’s a space where she is speaking as a private citizen. The idea that developers should on perpetual call to endure the various nitpicks and armchair design of enthusiasts and rabid

They’ve set an impossible (and, in my opinion, cruel) standard now that will end up coming back to bite them and other developers the next time something like this happens.

It’s easy to point to Price’s original comment as “crossing the boundary” or unprofessional in the context of her job, but of course that’s not really the point for the people who wanted her fired.

Okay, this getting ridiculous... Sony shouldn’t be winning over Microsoft this hard nor this easy:

I’m 90 hours into Origins and having a better and better time. It’s a very slow burn, but the quests are well-done and the game world map is breathtaking. I don’t love the new combat system, but it’s fine.

Huh. Ok. I play a lot of Ubisoft games, enjoy a lot of them and see lots of variations among them. The company has some design tropes, sure, but they riff on them all the time.

Sony had nothing to do with the game except for putting the money up front for the PS4 discs and marketing the Ps4 version.

That is it. The Pc version was published by 8bit and Hello Games own all rights to No Mans Sky

1: All games, hell all media is inherently political. The question just becomes how blatant it is and how much it reinforces or deviates from the status quo.

I don’t really mind politics in games, as long as it isn’t heavy handed, childish, petty, and clearly about someone or something very specific. That tends to break immersion and date a game pretty fast.

Same as GTA probably. Turns out the whole thing is a video game

Suspension of disbelief?

These are literally the 2 most popular Dragon Ball characters that arent part of the main cast. Hell they might even be more popular than some of the main cast.

Why do people keep going on with this nonsense. Did no one really watch Dragonball super? Goku black is not a Goku reskin

Yes it does. And to their point GTAV is the bes example of how successful this type of games as service idea can be.

NBA 2K comes out every year!

Who can forget this famous quote