I thought Red was his dad? Did I make that up in my head or is that established somewhere in some interview?
I thought Red was his dad? Did I make that up in my head or is that established somewhere in some interview?
I have always felt that these types of situations, of gamers “rising up” is a vocal minority, while the majority are silent because they don’t care or they actually like the product. When did the video game community believe that developers work for them?
Yeah, I don’t think you understand how this game grows with you. In terms of organic growth; the game does so at a good pace. If you’re jumping from story mission to story mission, there will definitely be a grind, but the game is not designed to be played that way. The game wants you to explore the world, that’s how…
If only there was a way for me to legally play n64, gamecube, snes, and nes games on my switch through some sort of, I don’t know, virtual console? I could purchase games like Wind Waker, Ocarina, Super Metroid, and Mario 64 on my own accord and play them whenever I wanted on my Switch. What a crazy concept.
Looks like he’s getting back in Batman shape.
Unfortunately Telltale is the epitome of what not to do when you find success. After the first season of Walking Dead, the company just ballooned announcing new games left and right. Unfortunately only a few of those games sold well, so Telltale was putting literally putting the cart before the horse. Shame for all…
I gotta be honest. My opinion on this has changed since graduating uni. I can budget 5 games a year now, and knowing that one of those games is going to keep giving me weekly content for months is an enticing offer. Although I do need to pay $40 to get all that content
Where does the company go from here? Do they enact new recruitment policies that truly check the originality of their writers work? Do they make recruits play a game for an hour and write their feelings on it right then and there to see if they are up to snuff?
You gotta wonder what Microsoft saw in this studio to buy it up? It’s very strange. From what I’ve seen of the game and your preview it sounds like there is nothing that makes it truly stand out. Which begs the question does the studio have another project up its sleeve? Or was the price right?
Filip was just recently hired at IGN as the nintendo editor after running his own YouTube channel for like a year. I checked out his channel and it seems to have been mainly video reviews, previews, and think pieces. I wonder if this says something about experience needed for games media? That there is a need for…
What I would give for Obsidian’s story telling and world building to have been included in Fallout 4 or another side project. This is the game that turned me onto this genre of games and I was floored by everything you could possibly do in the game.
Is it strange I’m thinking about dusting off my PS3 just to play Rayman 3? I have such fond memories of that game.
I think its amazing that in about 2.5 years I will be able to play all 7(!) main games of this series on my PS4. Gotta give props to SEGA for listening to the appeal and roar from fans worldwide, and doing something really awesome.
I spit out my tea reading that he fell asleep during the interview. As someone who could fall asleep standing up if I tried, I have fallen asleep at meetings that my own father brought me too.
The fact that its an open world game is leaving me kinda of drained. Would of loved a doom style linear adventure with the zaniness and grandeur. Guess I will see how it shows at E3
You all should look at the comparison screenshots that are floating around. It looks like a full on remake with new assets and all that. It’s funny because people always say it looks like I remembered but man, does this look amazing.
Man Unity was in development for four years. I never had any problems with the game in terms of bugs, but I know they were everywhere during that initial month. I wonder if it was just the transition to PS4/XB1 that caused so many issues.
This was actually something I really feared happening. Ubisoft gets a lot of crap for their microtransactions and season passes, but they’re still a really good publisher with amazing studios who are allowed to take chances and due weird stuff. They’ve become a lot more player friendly in recent years. A conglomerate…
Played the game when it first came out, finished it, and bought the season pass. I’m not going to replay it till 2020, when (I hope) its all finished. Should be interesting to see what’s different from what i remember.