
He’s living his best life and making crazy amounts of money playing fighting games. Hating on that seems a lot more “cringe” to me.

I mean, the theory ignores the fact that Mr. Mime was just a random wild Pokémon the gang ran into that they tried to use to inspire another Mr. Mime and then he just kinda became Delia’s house servant because she cooked good food. He didn’t appear until Kanto was 3/4 over, after Ash had collected all 8 Gym Badges.

Whoa now, calm down with that crazy talk. That sounds *expensive*. 

Maybe with Final Fantasy XVI they can just make a game, sell the game, and then we have the entire game. That’d be nice.

Okay, but like...Pharah and Anna don’t count? Is it because they are Egyptian, not African-American “black”? By all means, I’m all for more black folk in the game, but this does bug me a bit.

So if I go to a pawn shop and fail to confirm that a watch they have for sale wasn’t stolen, I’m complicit in the robbery? I’m a thief?

A news outlet is complicit in the stealing of information just because they published it months later after they confirmed it was real?

UK press laws are not US press laws.

I’m not sure what you mean? The game looks better, and performs better than the original PS360 versions, plus runs at 1080p. The biggest difference between the PS4 and Xbox One versions is 60fps.

To be fair, while violence is distasteful, I’m not sure it’s distasteful in the same way that groping little girls is distasteful.  

Oh, fuck off.

12 years is a LONG time to have a name, especially if you created it when you were a kid. You shouldn’t be penalized to deal with a name of something you liked literally ages ago. 

Then don’t buy it. I’m 100% serious. Not even joking. That’s your way of flexing again Ubisoft, because if you—even presumably as someone who hasn’t played the game—are really that put off, then you gotta speak a language that companies hear, y’know?

No part of my review says that, for what it’s worth. I’m with you; I don’t like microtransactions in any form. They’re all predatory to a degree, and that’s by design. But for what it’s worth (and I hope that my saying so means something) I never felt I was outleveled or being guided towards these purchases.

Yeah, I don’t think you understand how this game grows with you. In terms of organic growth; the game does so at a good pace. If you’re jumping from story mission to story mission, there will definitely be a grind, but the game is not designed to be played that way. The game wants you to explore the world, that’s how

I’m doggedly working to finish Origins at the moment so I can play Odyssey soon, and honestly, the microtransactions can be almost completely ignored. They’re sectioned off into their own menu/shop, and it’s possible to just never interact with it and play the game normally. I’d recommend giving is a shot - Origins

You don’t have to go buy anything in the microtransaction store, and they’re not in-your-face about it at all. The game mentions it once, when it gives you some complimentary credits the first time you play, and that’s it. You can easily ignore it.

But the game doesn’t do that.

most of the board game adaptations that come to kickstarter are on there because, while the game itself was popular, no one is sure that people will want a board game. I mean translating the fun of the parkour and action sequences into a fun board game adaptation is not a guarantee of success.
Also many time board

That Spider-Man continues to be a menace!